18 adjectives to describe thistles

He wonders how the crop ever came up at all through the mass of weeds that choked it, the spurrey that filled the spaces between the stalks below, the bindweed that climbed up them, the wild camomile flowering and flourishing at the edge, the tall thistles lifting their heads above it in bunches, and the great docks whose red seeds showed at a distance.

There are moments when a passing cloud, the sun glinting on the purple thistles, a kindly smile, a child's face, will rouse him to a passion of pain,when his nature starts up with a mad cry of rage against God, man, whoever it is that has forced this vile, slimy life upon him.

A live ass is better than a dead lion; and so the Republican Party, who consider themselves very much alive, went to look after their daily thistles and left their dead lion in charge of a policeman.

They had a long reed, at the end of which there were points, so that it looked like an enormous thistle, and they ran this through the channel and trunk of the tree when there was any obstruction.

An energetic tourist would have gone to Hakodate, seen Ainos at Sapporo, ridden across the northern island under the gigantic thistles, caught salmon, looked in at Vladivostock, and done half a hundred things in the time that one lazy loafer has wasted watching the barley turn from green to gold, the azaleas blossom and burn out, and the spring give way to the warm rains of summer.

They entered the larger door, and that afternoon twelve heralds, in bright red tabards that were embroidered with golden thistles, rode out of this door, to proclaim the fulfilment of the prophecy as to the Zhar-Ptitza's feather, and that afternoon the priests of the Peohtes gave thanks in all their curious underground temples.

Occasionally an humble thistle, with its blossom of purple base and intense pink center, thrust up its head through some leafy bower.

Inside the copse stand innumerable thistles shoulder high, dead and gaunt; and a grey border running round the field at the bottom of the hedge shows where the tall, strong weeds of summer have withered up.

A species of thistle was once believed to have the curious virtue of driving away melancholy, and was hence termed the "melancholy thistle.

We suck the bloom of the eglantine, Of the pointed thistle and brier; And follow the track of the wandering vine, Whether it trail on the earth, supine, Or round the aspiring tree-top twine, And reach for a state still higher.

For this he had glued both eye and ear to draughty keyholes, had lain for hours under cover of prickly thistles in the sunk fence which surrounded the flower garden.

Yellow wall-flowers waved above the picture of the Norway pines; great scarlet thistles branched out each side of the Venetian palace; cool maiden-hair ferns seemed to be growing all around the glowing crimson and yellow picture of the Arabs in the Desert.

" Among other flowers possessing a similar feature may be noticed the wild succory, creeping mallow, purple sandwort, small bindweed, common nipplewort, and smooth sow-thistle.

" To which Martin answered, "Theophilus Thistle, the thistle-sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles; and if Theophilusoh, I won't say any more!"

On the cover of soft snow-white leather was incrusted a long silver lily, intersected by a tuft of big violet thistles.

The cornfields all are brown, and brown the meadows With the blown leaves' wind-heapèd traceries, And the brown thistle stems that cast no shadows, And bear no bloom for bees.

They did not fly straight, but in a jerky way, constantly dropping down and then lifting up again, and calling out "wait for me" on every down-grade curve, until by common consent they alighted among some wild grasses, where the early yellow thistles were already going to seed.

The man who laugh'd but once, to see an ass Mumbling make the cross-grain'd thistles pass, Might laugh again to see a jury chaw

18 adjectives to describe  thistles