221 adjectives to describe tides

The ebb tide, however, was beginning to run and helped her across the shoals.

I had only just time to complete my observations when the roaring of the incoming tide warned me that no time was to be lost in returning to the horses, which were nearly a mile higher up the river.

Before them lay the swift tide of the broad East River; and beyond that, with its borders of crowded docks and bristling masts, lay the streets and squares, and swarmed the multitudes, of the great city of New York.

"Mighty swift tide sweeping around de head of dat island!"

Of course Holland was unable to resist such an overwhelming tide of enemies, such vast and disproportionate forces.

The sun was said to have set in streams of blood, and the moon to have shown without reflecting a shadow; grisly shapes appeared at nightstrange clamours and groans were heard in the airhearses, coffins, and heaps of unburied dead were discovered in the sky, and great cakes and clots of blood were found in the Tower moat; while a marvellous double tide occurred at London Bridge.

" So far then from the besiegers' side; Renault's description of the fight is as follows: "The three largest vessels, aided by the high-water of the equinoctial tides, which, moreover, had moved the vessels sunk in the narrow passage, passed over the sunken ships, which did not delay them for a moment, to within half pistol shot of the Fort, and opened fire at 6 a.m.

Thomas, the ex-apothecary, who did his best to stem the adverse tide of trouble, caught the smallpox, became blind, and died at the beginning of June.

After they have once become a steady tide, nothing can check their force or turn their direction.

Thus we see how early in the history of our country, the restless tide moved westward.

But since he crossed the rapid tide, According to the doubtful story, To woo, andLord knows what beside, And swam for love as I for glory, 'Twere hard to say who fared the best; Sad mortals thus the gods still plague you; He lost his labour, I my jest

War, indeed, was found "a dangerous game" on that woeful day: both for princes and nobles, and many a poor soul was swept away "Floating in a purple tide.

I found him sitting by a Fountain side, Whose Tears had power to swell the little tide, Which from the Marble Statues breasts still flows: As silent and as numberless were those.

Yet better far the crimson tide should flow, Than the heart inly with its anguish bleed. SERENADE.

Beneath the tower of the lonesome hall, Stone stairs creep down where the slow tide flows, There, out of a niche in the mouldering wall, Low leaneth a royal tropical rose: Who set it there none cares, nor knows, Long years ago in the mouldering wall, But the Lady Cecile.

The marsh grasses swayed and yielded to its flow, lending new depths of color to the water-bed, as they bowed beneath the masterful currentso the difficulties which had seemed to beset their hopes had been vanquished by the resistless tide of his love and constancy.

The outgoing tide exposed starfish and sea-urchins, and the children tried to catch the flakes of foam which the wind blew away.

We found that we were distant seventy-eight miles in a right line from La Union, and (barometrically) 2958 feet above mean-tide in the Pacific.

I remember how she looked, framed there in the doorway, while we were watching for the coach,the late light ebbing in golden tides over the grass at her feet, and touching her face now and then through the branches of trees, her head bent a little, with eager, parted lips, and the girlish color on her cheeks, her hand shading her eyes as they strained for a sight of the lumbering coach.

" He pushed his fat hand a little way across the table, as though the gold even then were resting in it, a yellow tide of fortune.

The inflowing tide had lifted their boat and borne it further up on the sands.

Night and day it is open, and through this passage the vast tide of stranger population, which is to mingle with and swell our own, rushes like the current of the Bosphorus from the Black Sea towards the Propontis and the Hellespont, to help fill the great basin of the Mediterranean.

I watch the world drift by in daily tides upon the road, flowing outward in the morning toward the town, and as surely at evening drifting back again.

low water; low tide, ebb tide, neap tide, spring tide.

The sun rolled in a cloudy swoon Dimly, and over the rolling deep Gust followed gust with shadowy sweep; And waves that streamed their snowy locks Were tossing high against the rocks Seaward, while round the sands ebbed wide Scrambled the fierce devouring tide

221 adjectives to describe  tides