4 adjectives to describe toddler

"If a little girl about your size were to come and look in her uncle's pockets, she might find something that she would like" Ruth did not wait for him to finish what he was saying, but ran to him as if she had been the little toddler of other days, needing only the sight of his dear face, or the sound of his kind voice, to fly into his outstretched arms.

Grandpa and grandma, taken ever so long ago, Grandma's bonnet a marvel, grandpa's collar a show, Mother, a tiny toddler, with rings on her baby hands Paintedlest none should noticein glittering, gilded bands.

But there are the complacent toddlers from the start.

To think that a mere toddler could bring an end to the story of the Wicked Witch of the East!

4 adjectives to describe  toddler