91 adjectives to describe toes

AMONG the strange revelations about Tribune people elicited during the MCFARLAND trial, was the bit of gossip about Mr. GREELEY going to Saratoga to "trip the light fantastic toe."

AMONG the strange revelations about Tribune people elicited during the MCFARLAND trial, was the bit of gossip about Mr. GREELEY going to Saratoga to "trip the light fantastic toe."

At the very moment when the angry crab closed his nippers on the bare big toe of Dick Lee, and his shrill note of discomfort rang across the inlet, the shriller whistle of the engine announced the arrival of the morning train from the city, at the little station in the village.

" LITTLE POLLY FLINDERS Little Polly Flinders Sat among the cinders Warming her pretty little toes; Her mother came and caught her, Whipped her little daughter For spoiling her nice new clothes.

It is this cavity which, when opened at the bottom and discharging its mealy-looking contents, is known as seedy-toe, for a further description of which see p. 293.

The front toes are still three, but the outer ones are more slender than in Anchitherium, and their hoofs smaller in proportion to that of the middle toe; they are, in fact, reduced to mere dew-claws, and do not touch the ground.

Excited, he made a mistake in the foot he should have used and viciously slammed his left toe against Ophelia's dainty ankle.

Generally these petty-toes, pretty toes I are missing: but I suppose he wore them to look taller.

No more it should; for it is clearly enough against nature; and one seldom kicks at her without getting sore toes.

The phalanges of the two outer toes in each foot disappear, their metacarpal and metatarsal bones being left as the "splints.

Then suddenly she shook her wingsa bird had fluttered by And down into the street she looked and up into the sky, And perching on the railing on a tiny fairy toe She flashed away so quickly that I hardly saw her go. I never saw her any more, although I looked all day; Perhaps she only came to peep and never meant to stay;

Snubby nose and tippy toes.

she sang, lifting a pointed toe over the top of a withered sunflower stalk.

Generally these petty-toes, pretty toes I are missing: but I suppose he wore them to look taller.

So, rolling our pants up above our knees (there was no use of talking about shoes and stockings; such luxuries were not within the range of indulgence to boys of our age in those days, save in the frosts and snows of winter, and stubbed toes, stone bruises, and thorns in the feet, come floating along down from the long past, like shadows of darkness on the current of memory.

The boy carelessly dug his brown toes into the cheek of the great horse and shoved his head about.

Arteaga and Carrasco took off their shoes and crept gingerly across, using their somewhat prehensile toes to keep from slipping.

The shoe indicated is a short one, with thin heels and a thick toe.

Embracing the huge cylinder, as closely as possible, with his arms and knees, seizing with his hands some projections, and resting his naked toes upon others, Jupiter, after one or two narrow escapes from falling, at length wriggled himself into the first great fork, and seemed to consider the whole business as virtually accomplished.

The tail is twice as long as the body, roundish, covered with acutely mid-ribbed scales, which towards the end form six rows, so as to render it obscurely six-sided; the end is blunt: the toes long, very unequal, varying in joints, as stated in the generic character (which includes also the claw joint) compressed, scaly; the claws hooked, horn-coloured.

The largest footprint I have heard of was measured by George S., and was found to be eight and a quarter inches wide from the outside of the first to the outside of the fourth toe.

She fell to tapping the broad toe of her shoe, her light, dilated eyes staring above his head.

THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER, "The Grasshopper wore his summer clothes, And stood there kicking his frozen toes.

and again, "Yes, you will!" He forgot the ache in his cramped heel and the burning in his bruised toe as he ran to the middle of the street.

He had on awful nice clothes, but thin toes on his boots, sharp as needles, and gray socks with dots on them, and a waist on his coat like as if he wore corsets, and gray glovesand a cane, Swell!

91 adjectives to describe  toes