33 adjectives to describe tons

The damned thing got heavier and heavier till it must have weighed a gross ton.

weighing, ponderation^, trutination^; weights; avoirdupois weight, troy weight, apothecaries' weight; grain, scruple, drachma^, ounce, pound, lb, arroba^, load, stone, hundredweight, cwt, ton, long ton, metric ton, quintal, carat, pennyweight, tod^. [metric weights] gram, centigram, milligram, microgram, kilogram; nanogram, picogram, femtogram, attogram.

Every ton given to armour diminishes the tonnage possible for guns and engines, and, given a minimum for armour, every extra ton given to engines and coal reduces the possible weight of guns and ammunition.

The quantity of coal required would, as said above, have to be carried in twenty collierscounting each trip as that of a separate vesselwith, on the average, 2300 tons apiece, and five smaller ones.

Then, bestirring herself with an effort, her white fingers ran over the keys again, and in her sweet, musical voice she sang "L'Heure d'Aimer," that pretty valse chantée so popular in Paris: Voici l'heure d'aimer, l'heure des tendresses; Dis-moi les mots très doux qui vont me griser, Ah! prends-moi dans tes bras, fais-moi des caresses; Je veux mourir pour revivre sous ton baiser.

A dozen lofty geysers of snow streamed up into the air, dazzling against the sun, misty at the edges of each column, whose center was solid tons and tons of snow.

There are now in France upwards of one hundred manufactories of beet root sugar, from which were produced last year upwards of 5,000 tons of sugar, worth 60 l. per ton, or 300,000 l.; the profit of which is estimated at 15 l. an acre; but, says one of the manufacturers, the process may be so far improved, that sugar will be made in France from the beet root at 30 l. per ton, which will increase the profit to 24 l. an acre.

We have managed to get 405 tons of coal in bunkers and main hold, 25 tons in a space left in the fore hold, and a little over 30 tons on the upper deck.

A.According to experiments on the resistance of railway trains at various rates of speed, made by Mr. Gooch, of the Great Western Railway, it appears that a train weighing, with locomotive, tender, and carriages, about 100 tons, experiences, at a speed of 50 miles an hour, a resistance of about 3,000 lbs., or about 30 lbs.

She gave the "Handbook of Science" to Clem, who, being strongly moved by any group of figures over six, rejoiced passionately to read the weight of the earth in net tons, and to dwell upon those vastly extensive distances affected by astronomers.

Aymerillot, reprit le roi, dis-nous ton nom.

I found her a good-sized thing of 500 odd tons, ship-rigged, with auxiliary engine of seventy horse-power, and pretty heavily armour-plated round the bows.

[tois] ouranois ... ton aelion autou anatellei epi agathous kai ponaerous]).

[Greek: | | {| pherei ton | | {| hueton].

Chez eux, les gens de bien (gens riches, qui ont du bien) portent tons, quand ils sont à cheval, un tabolcan (petit tambour), dont ils se servent dans les batailles et les escarmouches pour se rassembler et se rallier; ils l'attachent à arçon de leur selle, et le frappent avec une baguette de cuir plat.

weighing, ponderation^, trutination^; weights; avoirdupois weight, troy weight, apothecaries' weight; grain, scruple, drachma^, ounce, pound, lb, arroba^, load, stone, hundredweight, cwt, ton, long ton, metric ton, quintal, carat, pennyweight, tod^. [metric weights] gram, centigram, milligram, microgram, kilogram; nanogram, picogram, femtogram, attogram.

It was a la mode in its most respectable sense, it was Sabbatical ton in its genteelest form, to have and to hold a pew at Holy Trinity when George the Third was king.

Can you make your time?" "Haven't thim bloody fools in the up-town office anything betther to do than to tie that sivinty-ton ball-an'-chain to my leg such a night as this?"

The squadron would burn in harbour or when stationary about 110 tons of coal a day, and when under way about 1050 tons a day.

Muztagh lifted his trunk high and charged down with great, driving stridesfour tons and over of majestic wrath.

n'y a point de temps à perdre: va t'ajuster suivant ton rôle.

The weight of this engine empty is 31 tons; of the tender 8-1/2 tons; and the total weight of the engine when loaded is 50 tons.

The consumption of these mines themselves was about a tenth, 19,000,000 tons, whilst for exportation were 83,500,000 tons, and for internal consumption were 139,000,000.

Some time ago, one of the Mun-da-wa-kan-tons gave a gun to a Sisse-ton, who, proud of the gift, went out immediately to use it.

We manage 62 or 63 revolutions on about 9 tons, but have to distil every three days at expense of half a ton, and then there is a weekly half ton for the cook.

33 adjectives to describe  tons