200 adjectives to describe tooths

Let me tell you, Judge, if you don't want a fight with an animal that's got long claws and sharp teeth, don't come close upon him onawares, or may be there'll be trouble.

In vain, with clenched teeth, I scoured the immense helmet brought by my uncle the previous eveningscoured it with such fury as almost to break the iron; not an idea came to me.

"I left the mines," he declared through his set teeth, "because I was run off 'em.

" All the old mades met together in the village milliner shop, where the Sore-eye-siss society held meetin's once a week, and their false teeth trembled like a rattlesnake's tail, when they read my artickle about old mades.

The interstitial types have small irregular upper teeth, with turned, stumpy or missing lateral incisors.

He could remember in childhood's merry days the old candy-woman, with her plentiful store of brown sweetness long drawn out; and how himself and companions spent many a pleasant hour teasing their little teeth with the delicate morsels.

AhwellaButts is the smartest fellow with his fingers in all 'laska"; and McGinty showed his big yellow teeth in an appreciative smile.

Proper balance between the thymus and pituitary will permit the eruption of the teeth within the normal time limits, both the milk teeth and the permanent teeth.

Kemp disclosed his broken teeth in a faint grin.

Prefer with plain food to be fed, Rather than what are dainties styl'd; A sweet tooth in an infant's head Is pardon'd, not in a grown child.

" The woman made a sudden hissing sound, of breath drawn shortly between closed teeth.

Sometimes at the same period, but more frequently some months later, four more double teeth slowly make their appearance, one on each side of each jaw, completing the entire series of the child's first set of twenty teeth.

He came back with less caution, but stiffer-legged, and a moment later had dug his tiny teeth in the rabbit's neck.

The use of gold stoppingsand artificial teeth, tooby the ancient Egyptians is well known, but we have no examples in the Museum.

He was not bad looking, but for the continuous gleam of prominent teeth.

Certainly a portion of the pedestal still remained, looking like the stump of an old, decayed tooth; but the figure itself had been thrown down, trodden flat, and literally stamped out of existence!

By the operation of a certain set of muscles, a small quantity of this softened food from the reticulum, or second bag, is passed into the mouth, which it now becomes the pleasure of the sheep to grind under his molar teeth into a soft smooth pulp, the operation being further assisted by a flow of saliva, answering the double purpose of increasing the flavour of the aliment and promoting the solvency of the mass.

At that moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of another set of jagged teeth and claws attacking from his right.

Now, as I have said, it was not unlike a great king-fish, and like it, had a mouth full of very formidable teeth; the use of which I understood the better when I saw the contents of its stomach, which seemed to consist of nothing but the coiled tentacles of squid or cuttlefish, with which, as I have shown, the weed-continent swarmed.

MOUTHGood even mouth; teeth as sound as possible.

The fifth year, having eight broad teeth, they are said to be full-mouthed sheep.

Don't we, Hooper?" "Oh my, yes!" grinned the Sergeant, showing his very ugly teeth.

Next to these, on each side, are situated the canine teeth, or tusks, which are longer than the other teeth, and, being pointed, are used to tear the food.

Her complexion is like M's, and the lower part of her face is shaped like hers, dark eyebrows, light hair, splendid teeth, and I suppose would be called very pretty by you girls.

Cells urceolate, much contracted towards the mouth; upper half free, divergent, projecting laterally almost horizontally; mouth small elliptical, with the long axis looking directly outwards; two lateral teeth.

200 adjectives to describe  tooths