109 adjectives to describe torrents

A small stream, almost dry in the hot weather, but a swollen, deep, rapid torrent in the rains, meandered past the factory.

Hence, mighty Rhone, thy rapid torrents flow, And Arar, much in doubt which way to go, Ripples along the banks with shallow roll.

In the spring freshets and the summer rains, that stream was a mighty and resistless torrent, that came roaring and plunging down from the plain above, cascading and leaping down ledges and rushing though a gorge, on either side of which precipices of solid rock stood straight up two hundred feet in height.

human laws, and laws esteemed divine, The generous passion straighten and confine; And, as a stream, when art constrains its course, Pours its fierce torrent with augmented force, So passion, narrowed to one channel small, Unlike the former,does not flow at all.

Gray Wolf picked up her ears at the tumult of the little torrent.

He had passed the bounds of civilization, and his savagery whirled him like a fiery torrent through the gaping jaws of hell.

All day the people streamed aimlessly through the streets, like an impetuous torrent; they cast covetous glances on the houses of the citizens who had amassed wealth by acts of oppression; but they had no one to lead them; only, at the hour of Savonarola's sermon, they all flocked instinctively to the Duomo.

A broad, swift torrent dashes through the valley, which is about a quarter of a mile broad.

Moreover, it is said that he was lazy and fond of leisure, and that it was only when he was roused by powerful passions or a great occasion that his extraordinary powers bore all before him in an irresistible torrent, as did the eloquence of Mirabeau in the National Convention.

On the morning of the flood, January 19th, all the Feather and Yuba landscapes were covered with running water, muddy torrents filled every gulch and ravine, and the sky was thick with rain.

In the afternoon of the day after my arrival at Tacloban, on a sudden there came a sound like the rush of a furious torrent; the air became dark, and a large cloud of locusts swept over the place.

Beneath, the distant torrent's rushing sound Tells where the volumed cataract doth roll Between those hanging rocks that shock yet please the soul.

" Saint-Arnaud obeyed, the coup d'état acted according to its own code of laws, and from that appalling moment an immense torrent of blood began to flow across this crime.

What was then a roaring torrent, now, with the water some nine feet lower, seemed from the shore like the gentle ripple upon the quiet lake.

In spring, when the snow of the mountains melted, that river filled from bank to bank with a yellow torrent; at the dry season of the year it was a dirty little creek meandering through the sands.

At six o'clock Fourteenth Street pours up from its basements, down from its lofts, and out from its five-and-ten-cent stores, shows, and arcades, in a great homeward torrenta sweeping torrent that flows full flush to the Subway, the Elevated, and the surface car, and then spreads thinly into the least pretentious of the city's homesthe five flights up, the two rooms rear, and the third floor back.

The slender tops fairly flapped and swished in the passionate torrent, bending and swirling backward and forward, round and round, tracing indescribable combinations of vertical and horizontal curves, while I clung with muscles firm braced, like a bobolink on a reed.

In all the windings of the coast,little coves, beds of dry torrents or gorges between two peakswere visible white groups of hamlets.

Like an overwhelming torrent her distress came upon her, caught her tempestuously, swept her utterly from her own control, tossed her hither and thither, flung her at last into a place of deep, deep silence, where, still kneeling with head bowed low, she became conscious, strangely, intimately conscious, of the presence of God.

To enter the mad torrent in order to get beyond these terrible rocks, forming a narrow strait, was an undertaking only to be thought of if the case were desperate.

A broad, swift torrent dashes through the valley, which is about a quarter of a mile broad.

There fell at the same time prodigious torrents of rain on the farm above mentioned, which occasioned a flood as violent as it was sudden, doing great damage to the meadows and fallows by deluging the one and washing away the soil of the other.

Aciloe's searching eye can now no more 65 The form of Zamor, or her sire explore; She hears the moan of death in every gale, She sees a purple torrent stain the vale; While destin'd all the bitterness to prove Of mourning duty, and of bleeding love, 70 Each name that's dearest wakes her bursting sigh, Throbs at her soul, and trembles in her eye.

Over a hill bolted Alcatraz and beneath him he saw a faint hope of escapethe flash of water where a brook, new-swelled by the rains, was running bankfull, a noisy torrent.

Without protection from the warm spring sun, the snows of the winter might melt in a week and cause tremendous torrents, the whole of the melted snowfall rushing down the stream in a very short time.

109 adjectives to describe  torrents