27 adjectives to describe towel

If the article is lace, clap it between the hands a few times, which will assist to clear it; then have ready laid out on the table a large clean towel or cloth; shake out the starched things, lay them on the cloth, and roll it up tightly, and let it remain for three or fours, when the things will be ready to iron.

Christmas morning though it is, Mr. MCLAUGHLIN is summoned from his family-circle of pigs, to mount the Ritualistic church and see what can be done; and while a small throng of early idlers are staring up at him from Gospeler's Gulch, Mr. BUMSTEAD, with his coat on in the wrong way, and a wet towel on his head, comes tearing in amongst them like a congreve rocket.

Then the body should be speedily dried, and hastily but well rubbed with a somewhat coarse towel, and the clothes put on without any unnecessary delay.

The body should be speedily and well dried, immediately upon coming out; a rough jack towel is an excellent means of accomplishing this purpose, while at the same time it insures considerable friction of the surface of the skin.

There is Mr. BUMSTEAD, not three yards from Mr. BENTHAM; each with an end of the same rope about his neck, and the head of the former turbaned with a damp towel.

Mrs. Bemont herself appeared, wiping her red, puckered hands on a long brown towel.

Dirty towels! (kicks his foot against the pans under the sink)

"I have always been so sensitive, and dish towels are so disgusting!

"What's it all about?" Mr. Wilks hesitated; a bright thought occurred to him, and murmuring something about a dry towel he sped up the narrow stairs to his bedroom.

He dried himself with one of her thick white towels and received a vigorous hug when he stepped into the kitchen.

Listen here, a sensational towel bargain.

Greasy dishcloths and sour towels are neither neat nor wholesome and are a most fertile source of germs, often breeding disease and death.

oh, noa spare towel?

But there was a small square towel of the finest linen, and sacred to the memory of Daisy, who had hemmed it herself and worked her name in the corner.

The district attorney's office had all the things we had found in the house that Monday afternoonthe stained towel, the broken knife and its blade, the slipper that had been floating in the parlor, and the rope that had fastened my boat to the staircase.

His toilet articles, of sterling silver with his monogram, lay on the turkish towel, which at once concealed and protected the elm top of the bureau; his two bags, open and partly unpacked, took up most of the floor space in the room.

Sure enough, he found two frayed but clean towels, a pan, a pitcher, and a small tub all made of tin.

Together they went up to Pinky's old room (the older woman stopped to pick up the crumpled towel on the hall floor).

After each dish washing, the dishcloth, towels, and mops should be thoroughly washed in hot water with plenty of soap, well rinsed and hung up to dry either upon a line out of doors or a rack made for the purpose near the kitchen range.

On one side was a raised bench, on which was placed an embroidered towel, a splendid vase, and basin for washing the hands and beard; upon the wall over it was suspended an embroidered portfolio, worked with silver on yellow leather, to contain the petitions presented to the sultan when he goes in procession to the mosque.

"I wonder if Annie left out the note for Mrs. Suss's extra milk!" "Don't get up, dearie; it's only five" "Right away, baby, with extra towels I must run up to Miss Flora's room.

Chapter IV Roulette And Liberty Our morning toilet was completed with the aid of one small, flimsy towel for thirty of us.

You are expected to furnish your own bedding, towels, etc., and there are no wire spring mattresses.

The teeth chatter for a while, and the limbs shiver, and we do not feel particularly comfortable while breaking the ice in our jugs, and performing our cold ablutions amidst the sharp, glass-like fragments, and wiping our faces with a frozen towel.

Hanging over the trestles at each of the four corners were gorgeous hand-embroidered towels.

27 adjectives to describe  towel