101 adjectives to describe tramps

Kurt had felt this when, as a boy, he had begged to be allowed to try his hand; he liked the shifty cloud of fragrant chaff, now and then blinding and choking him; and he liked the steady, rhythmic tramps of hooves and the roaring whir of the great complicated machine.

Do you remember the little red-headed tramp who came in here the other night and spoke to me?" "Very well.

Soon we heard a challenge-trumpet Sounding in the pass below, And the distant tramp of horses, And the voices of the foe: Down we crouched amid the bracken, Till the Lowland ranks drew near, Panting like the hounds in summer, When they scent the stately deer.

After a weary tramp through what seemed to the soldiers the biggest city in the world, the regiment, with blistered feet, hungry and cross, were halted before a long, low wooden building, through whose rough glass windows cheerful lights could be seen.

Suppose he is a horrid, dirty tramp and he comes and tells Mrs. Eustice he found my note?

I have done odd jobs, at times, but my fortunes went from bad to worse until of late I have become no better than the typical tramp.

The latter, with another constable, remained to watch the burglared premises both back and front, and D 15 took the wretched tramp to the station with a view to sending an inspector and a detective round immediately.

Kurt had felt this when, as a boy, he had begged to be allowed to try his hand; he liked the shifty cloud of fragrant chaff, now and then blinding and choking him; and he liked the steady, rhythmic tramps of hooves and the roaring whir of the great complicated machine.

'Solemn twilight advances over the valley; the woods on the opposite heights fling their long shadows over the green of the meadow; around us are the tents of the continental host, the suppressed bustle of the camp, the hurried tramp of the soldiers to and fro among the tents, the stillness and silence that marks the eve of battle.

Here is the white wolf's story, learned partly from much watching and following his tracks alone, but more from Noel the Indian hunter, in endless tramps over the hills and caribou marshes and in long quiet talks in the firelight beside the salmon rivers.

He traveled in filthy, old, happy-go-lucky sea-tramps, in which the crews used to spread all the sails to the tempest, get drunk and fall asleep, confident that the devil, friend of the brave, would awaken them on the following morning.

"Acting upon the advice of Mr. Francis Howard, the police decided to let the anonymous tramp out of his safe retreat within the station, and to allow him to wander whithersoever he chose.

Slowly next morning we crept up the Mersey, past a rusty tramp outward bound, crowded with khaki-clad men.

I stand alone, and near me there is no sound but the complaint of a homeless tramp swearing at the cold as he settles down upon a bench for the night.

Presently, across his mingled sensations came a measured tramp as of boy-soldiers marching in line.

" "Naw!" grunted the red-eyed tramp.

Perhaps he thought me an escaped madman, or a dangerous tramp, with whom it was better to hold no conversation.

If John De Puyster Hepplewhite fell asleep in somebody's vestibule the policeman on post would send him home in a cab; but if a hungry tramp does the same thing he runs him in.

There was a lull in the monotonous tramp.

At length, after two hours of slipping and sliding along in the mud and wet and darkness, we reached Saulieu, and, by the warm fire, thanked our stars that the day's dismal tramp was over.

"I've been thinking," said Smith, as he refilled his pipe, "of what the Doctor was saying the other evening about every body having a streak of the vagabond in him, which makes him relish an occasional tramp in the old woods among the natural things; things that have not been marred by the barbarisms, so to speak, of civilization.

We were only thirty thousand bare-footed tramps, and we were going against eighty thousand crack German soldiersfine, well equipped men; but Napoleon, who was only Bonaparte then, breathed a spirit ofI don't know whatinto us, and on we marched, night and day.

It was a tedious tramp.

"Young man," he remarked severely, "you assured me that fellow was only a harmless tramp!"

The joy of young adventurous ways, Of keen and undimmed sight, The eager tramp through sunny days, The dreamless sleep of night, The happy hours that come and go, In youth's untiring quest, They gave, because they willed it so, With some light-hearted jest.

101 adjectives to describe  tramps