32 adjectives to describe turkeys

Singe and clean a fat turkey.

I could only see two little turkeys,both on the floor of the second-story parlor in the chicken-house, both flat on their backs and gasping.

Pre-Thanksgiving turkeys.

Pre-Thanksgiving turkeys.

Further along the road we were specially attracted by a woman who was trudging with an immense turkey elevated on her head.

Middling-sized fleshy turkeys are by many persons considered superior to those of an immense growth, as they are, generally speaking, much more tender.

When he called, he found they had not yet risen from the table, on which were the remains of a roasted turkey, a variety of vegetables, and a decanter of wine.

Hattie Chapman stormed the fortress of boned turkey with a gusto equal to that of Laura, and made highly successful raids upon certain outlying salads and jellies.

We saw on the plain several large bustards resembling a light brown domestic turkey.

Willet shot a deer and Tayoga brought down a rare wild turkey, while Robert caught some wonderful lake trout.

A whole cooked turkey, only slightly inferior in size to the original one, appeared to the accompaniment of howls of joy.

Cut off all the meat from left-over turkey bones.

We saw on the plain several large bustards resembling a light brown domestic turkey.

And if you go and stare at a live turkey for an hour or two, you will find by the end of it that the enigma has rather increased than

Laden with vegetables, butter, eggs, and a magnificent turkey, Peter and his followers returned to the kitchen.

" After an illustration from the vegetable creation, Darwin adds: "The naked skin on the head of a vulture is generally looked at as a direct adaptation for wallowing in putridity; and so it may be, or it may possibly be due to the direct action of putrid matter; but we should be very cautious in drawing any such inference, when we see that the skin on the head of the clean-feeding male turkey is likewise naked.

There was a mythical wild turkey in the woods around, and the hope of a shot at him carried me many a mile, though he proved only a myth; but of rattlesnakes and copperheads there was no lack.

We wandered through the woods far and wide, shooting quail, an occasional wild turkey, caught fish from the numerous beautiful lakes, sleeping sometimes under the pines, then in houses, whose owners were away visiting with no thought of locking their doors in this land where thieving was unknown.

On the other hand, none but the primest of prime turkeys could have set in motion this brisk old gentleman with the ruddy check and hale, clear eye, whom we next pass.

Then I would let out a yell, for I never in my life tasted anything so good as the roast wild turkey Takahashi served us.

So Ailsa lighted the Christmas candles, and the two young women in their fresh gray garbs, and the two civilian doctors in clean clothes, sat down before a rather thin roasted turkey.

He was in his bedchamber, writing a sermon on fine note-paper, and had disarranged the wide ruffles of his shirt so that he looked like a mildly angry turkey.

A turkey, tired of common food, Forsook the barn, and sought the wood; Behind her ran her infant train, Collecting here and there a grain.

Whether the turkey which Scrooge gave to Bob Cratchit had experienced a lovelier or more melancholy career than that of less attractive turkeys is a subject upon which I cannot even conjecture.

We saw on the plain several large bustards resembling a light brown domestic turkey.

32 adjectives to describe  turkeys