32 adjectives to describe twinges

And again did her eyelids beat while a little nervous twinge slightly twisted her mouth on the left side.

In the sharp twinge of jealousy which the sight of Kitty's flirtation with Fletcher gave him, and the delight he found in her after conduct, Jack discovered how much he loved her.

He shuddered with cold as he dived into the water, and as he swam out he felt, for the first time in his life, a slight twinge of cramp.

The district attorney felt a sudden twinge of loneliness.

They had certainly won the suit, so they took advantage of Cabesang Tales' captivity to turn the fields over to the one who had asked for them, without the least thought of honor or the faintest twinge of shame.

" She didn't mean anything but crossness when she said thisfor which probably a severe rheumatic twinge which just then passed through her shoulder was also partly to blame.

She looked at him, and her yellow face remained motionless, save for a flutter of her eyelids and an involuntary nervous twinge on the left side of her mouth, which forced a slight grimace.

Abner welcomed him, in spite of certain jealous twinges.

" She didn't mean anything but crossness when she said thisfor which probably a severe rheumatic twinge which just then passed through her shoulder was also partly to blame.

I wonder why people like me exist to go blundering about in the world, playing havoc with themselves and everybody else?" Before she reached home, that self-sacrificing mood had vanished in the face of sundry twinges of pride.

The sight of him gave me a momentary twinge of remorse, reminding me, as it did, that in the excitement of getting Gussie fixed up I had rather forgotten about this other client.

The fact, is, Beulah Sands's story has aroused a lot of thoughts I have been a-sticking down cellar late years, for, to tell the truth, I have some nasty twinges of conscience every now and then when I get to thinking of this dollar game of ours.

The mate had still got the toothache, and was at that moment in all the agonies of a phenomenal twinge.

At the moment a queer twinge took me; I ejaculated: "Oh! Lord!" "Vat ees de matter?" inquired GODARD.

Once in a great while the inclement New England skies are taken with a remorseful twinge and forget to give their usual snap of September frost which generally bites off all the pretty flowers in so heart-breaking a way, and then you can have lovely times quite down through November.

All went for kindly or charitable objects, and was gladly given without a single selfish twinge.

Thoughts like old vultures, prey upon their heart-strings, And the smart twinges, when the eye beholds the Lofty Judge frowning, and a flood of vengeance Rolling afore Him.

Yet the love of art still lives in some inner corner of his heart, and I know he can never enter the studio of a painter and see the artist silently bringing from the canvas forms of life and beauty, but he feels a tender twinge, as one who catches a glimpse of the beautiful girl he loved in his youth whom another has snatched away.

In another breath his voice hissed through the gloom in a sharp, startled command: "Good God, Nat, come here!" Something in the strange fierceness of Neil's words startled Nathaniel, like the thrilling twinges of an electric shock.

For some time after the death of his former foe, he had been visited by not unfrequent twinges of conscience; but of late, borne along by success, and the hurry of Parisian life, these unpleasant remembrances had grown rarer, till at length they had faded away altogether.

Notwithstanding, there was so much frankness in my kinsman's manner, he appeared to sympathize so sincerely in my loss, and his opinions were so similar to my own, that these unpleasant twinges lasted but for brief intervals.

He wondered savagely what was in them; he posted them with a vicious shove; and, for the time, they caused him acute twinges of misery.

They lived above the foulest drains, they breathed the closest air, They had their yearly twinge of gout, but little seemed to care.

Then pale and pain-fretted, heavy-eyed and weary, feebly half-lying in a great chair, still,an unheeded locket scarce held by his thin fingers, his forehead wrinkled with cruel twinges, the sweet bowed lines of his lips twisted in whimpering puckers, the curls upon his vein-traced temples unnaturally bright, as with clamminess,a painful picture for a mother's eyes!

It was not utterly silent, nor was the quay-square, but haunted by a pretty dense cloud of mosquitoes, and dreamy twinges of music, like the drawing of the violin-bow in elf-land.

32 adjectives to describe  twinges