17 adjectives to describe un

And even if he won his case it probably gave him no comfort, for he would feel that the jury had given their verdict out of pity for the "little 'un."

" "Well," ejaculated Jack, internally, "she's a cool un, and no mistake.

'E was a rare un.

"They're smart chaps-real keen 'uns.

UN denotes negation or contrariety; as in un-kind, un-load, un-truth, un-coif.

'E was a rare leery un, was Durdler.

Aw know some odd uns i' this delph at never tastes fro mornin' till they'n done at neet,an' says nought abeawt it, noather.

"Ain't it a pretty un?"

Do they look like rough uns?" A stir had passed among the cowpunchers and solemn stares of hate transfixed Lawlor, but he went on: "I'm askin' you, do these look rough?" "I should say," answered Bard courteously, "that you have a pretty experienced lot of cattle-men.

"Looks a sharp 'un, too, Mr. Allerdyke.

In speaking of the Seneca nation, he called them As-sig-un-aigs, a term by which they are distinguished from the general Algonquin term of Na-do-wa, or Iroquis.

"They're smart chaps-real keen 'uns.

I have known a lady to whom a country clergyman said, pointing to the darkened windows where a corpse lay awaiting burial, "There's a stiff 'un in that house."

The slaves were permitted to attend church with their masters to hear the white preacher, and occasionally the mastersupposedly un-beknown to the slaveswould have an itinerant colored minister preach to the slaves, instructing them to obey their master and mistress at all times.

About that man Shanks, I know he's said to be a tough un.

she a brave un!

Funny uns, they are, too.

17 adjectives to describe  un