14 adjectives to describe unionist

It is easy to understand why the male trade unionists in, let us say, the engineering trades, should support this claim.

I think it may be safely added that there are practically no colored women trade unionists, the occasional exception but serving to emphasize our utter neglect, as regards organization, of the colored woman.

" *** The report that a number of distinguished Irish Unionists have been ordered to choose between the LORD-LIEUTENANT's Reconstruction Committee and the O.B.E. is causing anxiety in Dublin Club circles.

We read of German women and Bohemian women as faithful unionists.

Ten of those present were actually his own agents, working among their fellow unionists and agitating with themhidden sources of information and of influence at needand yet not one of those ten knew that the Marine Captain upon the platform was his own official chief.

They handed over the girls to the care of Miss Melinda Scott, the League organizer, and under her directions the inexperienced unionists did fine work and helped to bring about a satisfactory settlement.

Parsons and his comrades were revolutionary trade unionists, they were Anarcho-Syndicalists rather than Anarchists.

The daring assumptions that labor is the supreme force, that loyalty to the working world is the supreme virtue, and failure in that loyalty the one unpardonable sin, has stirred to the very depths organized labor of the conservative type, has roused to self-questioning many and many a self-satisfied orthodox trade unionist, inspiring him with loftier and more exacting ideals.

[Sidenote: Southern Unionists.]

Is she a Northern woman, and a staunch unionist?"

The procession was unusually long on account of striking trades unionists, who turned out in force.

Still, roughly speaking, a man worker is a unionist or a non-unionist just the same, be he single or married.

The most advanced trade unionists are those men and women who recognize the limitations of industrial organization, but who value it for its flexibility, for the ease with which it can be transformed into a training-school, a workers' university, while all the while it is providing a fortified stronghold from behind whose shelter the industrial struggle can be successfully carried on, and carried forward into other fields.

To this youthful trade unionist, a little girl, the convention voted the highest numbered badge (800), and also presented her with a valuable watch and chain, for use in future years.

14 adjectives to describe  unionist