35 adjectives to describe upheavals

Adolescence is the period of stress and strain throughout the somatic and psychic organism because of the volcanic upheavals in the sex glands.

Conductor Scully fired the train; and with one tremendous upheaval the magazine was blown into the air, together with fifteen hundred rebels.

The ravine took them to the first chaotic upheaval of rock halfway up the mountain, and here they were still more lost to view from below.

As we read now that brief portion of history which lies between the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the English Reform Bill of 1832, we are in the presence of such mighty political upheavals that "the age of revolution" is the only name by which we can adequately characterize it.

All my achievements, all my policies, all my statecraft were in the dust; but the worship of me had become a national habitso foolish and meaningless, that nothing, nothing but some vast calamitysome great social upheaval, was ever going to stop it.

The Cause and the Hero The sixteenth century contrasted with the nineteenth A New Spirit in the world Differences of progress Religious, civil, and social upheavals John Calvin Reformed doctrines in France Persecution of the Huguenots They arm in self-defence to secure religious liberty Henry of Navarre Jeanne D'Albret Education of Henry Coligny Slaughter of St. Bartholomew The Duke of Guise, Catherine de Medicis, and Charles IX.

For to a man like myself, of few friends and deep affections, one great emotional upheaval exhausts the possibilities of nature; leaving only the capacity for feeble and ineffective echoes.

The doctrine of violent upheavals, débâcles, and cataclysms in general, is catastrophic, so far as it assumes that these were brought about by causes which have now no parallel.

It should not be forgotten, too, that the gigantic upheaval which changed the fundamental condition of life overnight and threatened the very existence of nations naturally dwarfed the individual into nothingness, and the existing interest in the common welfare left practically no room for personal considerations.

" Apart from general considerations, these gigantic industrial upheavals have afforded to the public-spirited citizen an unsurpassed opportunity of understanding and appreciating the industrial problem as it affects and is affected by the immigrant girl and young woman.

The gradual upheaval of the soil has resulted in substituting dry land for this arm of the ocean and in reversing the course of what is now the Madeira, just as, according to these geologists, in somewhat familiar fashion the Amazon has been reversed, it having once been, at least for the upper two thirds of its course, an affluent of the Andean Sea.

Then, as though from some great internal upheaval, the mass began to tremble.

We knew that the ice was in awful upheaval around us; we heard, as our eyelids sweetly closed, the slow booming of distant guns, and brittle cracklings of artillery.

All go on from year to year with the same servants, the same surroundings, no changes, no moving, no building even; in delightful contrast with our periodical upheavals, always uncertain where we shall go next, or how long our main dependents will stand by us.

Everything else of such nature, however, was eclipsed by the prodigious upheaval in San Domingo consequent upon the French Revolution.

It included a letter from Loring, and there was another reversive upheaval for the exile.

It was not till I had been in bed some three hours that I fully realized the seismic upheaval which my soul had experienced.

The long straight rangesaw-toothed limestone save for this twenty-mile sheer upheaval of the Organstretched away to north and south against the unclouded sky, till distance turned the barren gray to blue-black, to blue, to misty haze; till the sharp, square-angled masses rounded to hillocksto a blura wavy linenothing.

Some stupendous volcanic upheaval of the remote past had cleft the mountain wall, and had extruded through the "fault" a huge "dyke" of virgin metalto use technical terms.

And may I draw the attention of those who are opposing non-co-operation that unless they find out a substitute they should either join the non-co-operation movement or prepare to face a disorganised subterranean upheaval whose effect no one can foresee and whose spread it would be impossible to check or regulate? III.

Was it the various forces of Nature, the racing tides of the straits, some sudden upheaval of the earth, or the tireless energy of menand of what men?

It would be a mistake to belittle or ignore this opinion, or to ascribe it to a temporary upheaval.

We found it necessary to make trumpets of our hands to shout into one another's ears, for the whole ice-continent was crashing, popping, thundering everywhere in terrific upheaval.

But in Villette there are none of these battlings and rendings, these Titanic upheavals and subsidences.

Great beds of boulders and broken rock, thrown there by some tumultuous upheaval of past ages, now impeded their progress, and every step was taken with extreme caution.

35 adjectives to describe  upheavals