8 adjectives to describe uttering

"Then, this great Experiment youwe have in view," he stammered, "is to do with the correct uttering of the names of some of the great Forces, or Angels, andand the assimilating of their powers into ourselves?" Skale rose up gigantically beside him.

Peppery "PUNJAB" replies, Two dirty sleeping-oars wherein one lies Awaiting a breakfast; to feel disgust utter At coffee, two boiled eggs, and plain roll and butter, (Miscalled "Grub de Luxe," in the bitterest chaff,)

And I came over the Road, and urged my body utter furious across the Land.

Hence, as soon as a man thinks anything, he can in an instant utter it by means of his bodily mouth, and at the same time represent it by gesture; and as soon as he wills anything, he can in an instant bring it into act and effect by his bodily members: which could not be the case unless the soul and the mind were together in the body, and constituted his spiritual man.

According to a piece of Persian folklore, whenever the rose is plucked, the nightingale utters a plaintive cry, because it cannot endure to see the object of its love injured.

Selkirk utters a cry, springs from his couch, and immediately crushes two under his heels.

The custom of killing a man by pointing a bone or stick at him, while the sorcerer utters appropriate curses, is common among the tribes of Central Australia; but amongst them there seems to be no objection to place the bone or stick on the ground; on the contrary, an Arunta wizard inserts the bone or stick in the ground while he invokes death and destruction on his enemy.

Thy strong features glowing with compassion for me; thy lips twisted; thy forehead furrowed; thy whole face drawn out from the stupid round into the ghastly oval; every muscle contributing its power to complete the aspect grievous; and not one word couldst thou utter, but Amen! to my vow.

8 adjectives to describe  uttering