10 adjectives to describe viewpoint

How he always understood and took the big, broad viewpoint!

The cosmic viewpoint.

The new social spirit has changed the critical viewpoint concerning authors as different as Wordsworth, Keats, Ruskin, Dickens, and Tennyson.

For a man who never missed an opportunity to force his attentions, he was showing an amazingly ethical viewpoint.

I miss this poor fellow's materialistic viewpoint.

Strangely enough, no sooner had the smile come than her whole mental viewpoint changed.

However, after they had all had a good look at the horseman they let him draw near, and there followed a noisy conference, the man on the horse calling on Allah repeatedly with emphasis, and Anazeh and his followers all doing the same thing, but from an opposing viewpoint.

Others had studied the Hertzian waves and the methods of sending and detecting them from a purely scientific viewpoint.

In this speed-hungry age Casey had not escaped the warped viewpoint which others assume toward travel.

Arab jealousy is about as quick as fulminate of mercury: as unreasonable, from a western viewpoint, as a love-sick woman's.

10 adjectives to describe  viewpoint