35 adjectives to describe wagging

I think I should send him into the army, that's the best place for himthere's the least to do and the handsomest clothes to wear," says the little wag, daintily taking up the tail of his friend's coat.

Why, lads, did I not meet that mad wag Simon of Ely, even at the famous fair at Hertford Town, and beat him in the ring at that place before Sir Robert of Leslie and his lady?

"How is it," people asked, "that the archbishop thinks so highly of M. Necker, and even dines with him?" "0!" answered the wicked wags, "it is because M. Necker is not a Jansenist, he is only a Protestant." Notwithstanding this unusual tolerance on the part of Christopher de Beaumont, his Protestantism often placed M. Necker in an awkward position.

If neither of these classical wags was your ancestor, may I ask, who the deuce did you come from?

I flatly refused, because it would look too much as if I was eager to hold my rank as captain, and after considerable tongue-wagging it was decided that Jacob should tackle the job, his father agreeing to go with him to headquarters.

Very likely rather a young terror in his way: shy before elders, but a desperate wag with his contemporaries.

When I said, 'Joseph was ordained by Peter, James, and John,' a drunken wag in the audience got up and called me a damned liar.

"You'll have some triers," said Appleyard, with an emphatic wag of the head.

There was an old fashioned wag-at-the-wa' in the bedroom where I slept.

He gave the boys a pathetic glance of recognition as they came in, and with a feeble wag or two of his tail tried to show them he was glad to see them; but this done, he seemed to be completely exhausted, and once more laid his head between his forepaws and seemed to doze.

Old Nap came from his place behind the table and shoved his cold nose into her hand, with a gentle wagging of his tail, reminding her that all was not lost while she still had him.

What hilarious waggings of that little screw tail!

An honourable wag and waggish earl, Even what you will, sweet lady, I must bear, Hoping of patience profit will ensue, That you will bear the Prince as I bear you.

" King of Corpus (who was an incorrigible wag) was about to point out a half dozen of people in the room, as the most celebrated wits of that day; but I cut King's shins under the table, and got the fellow to hold his tongue, while Jones wrote on his card to Hoskins, hinted to him that a boy was in the room, and a gentleman who was quite a greenhorn: hence that the songs had better be carefully selected.

"I say, Miss," said the inevitable wag, who was one of the standing passengers, "steady on.

The instantaneous wag of that speaking tail and the glance of that wakeful eye, as the dog lifted his head and laid his chin on Dick's arm, showed that he had been listening to every word that was spoken.

shouted Crusoe, with a jovial wag of his tail, that no human arm with hat, or cap, or kerchief ever equalled.

The womenfolks screamed, and the merry wags in the taproom put their arms around their waists to soothe them into quietness.

Tell me, pretty wag, Where stands this prancer, in what inn or stable?

said a sacrilegious wag.

I have a friend who, if you treat him with disrespect, shrivels you up with a sarcastic wag of his right ear.

"We'll show 'em some day we was worth while, won't we, Baldy?" he would whisper confidently; and Baldy's reply was sure to be a satisfactory wag of his bobbed tail, signifying that he certainly intended to do his best.

At nine o'clock, when the fun had waxed furious and wine had set the slowest tongue wagging and every eye a-sparkle, other guests streamed in to join the orgythe most beautiful ladies of the Court, from the Duchesse de Gesores and Madame de Mouchy to the Regent's own daughter, the Duchesse de Berry, who, young as she was, had little to learn of the arts of dissipation.

"I say, Miss," said the inevitable wag, who was one of the standing passengers, "steady on.

While most gratifying of all, Dubby came in to express, with strenuous waggings of his stubby but eloquent tail, his surprise and satisfaction that a member of a purely sporting fraternity had distinguished himself so highly; had acted, in fact, in a manner worthy of a dependable huskie.

35 adjectives to describe  wagging