88 adjectives to describe wench

But the other, with the discreet air of a pretty wench conscious of her attractiveness, continued smiling, looking her employer full in the face, as if certain that she had nothing to fear from him.

You meane a wench, do you not, Sir? a foolish wench? Foul.

ô you are a daungerous Fayrie, and fright all little wenches in the country out of their beds.

"Detained at the police jail, the negro wench Myrahas several marks of lashing, and has irons on her feet.

When she was now come into the Low Countries, and kindly entertained by her husband, she could not contain herself, "but in a rage ran upon a yellow-haired wench," with whom she suspected her husband to be naught, "cut off her hair, did beat her black and blue, and so dragged her about."

" "After all, I have my suspicion that he's got a clew to the mystery somehow, and that he expects to find those handsome wenches," said Mr. Bruteman.

"How you t'ink guess, ole Plin?You 'spose nigger wench like Albonny wise woman, dat she see t'rough a gate, and know ebbery t'ing, and little more!"

Passing well-done of her, she is a kind wench.

'Ocra,' said the overseer, one evening, to the driver, 'if any pretend to be sick, send me wordallow no lazy wench or fellow to skulk in the negro house.'

Nothing but the last offence, the honest wench tells me, in the language of her principals below, will do with her.

I cannot speak it but in passion, She is a wicked wench to make a jest; Ah me, how full of flouts and mocks she is! FRAN.

Every week new families were coming into the great back chamber; every week they passed out: babies, boys, girls, buxom wenches, stalwart youths, and the middle-agedthe grave, serious ones whom misfortune had driven from their old masters, and the ill-reputed ones, the trickish, thievish, lazy, whom the cunning of the negro-trader alone could keep in circulation.

"He will marry the daughter of rich parents, a red-haired, blear-eyed, big-mouthed, crooked-nosed wench.

The root of his disease is a self-humouring pride, and an accustomed tenderness not to be crossed in his fancy; and the occasion commonly of one of these three, a hard father, a peevish wench, or his ambition thwarted.

"What, silly wench, will ye defy me still?" cried Sir Pertolepe, jovial of voice, "must ye to the whip in sooth?

" In the former, the Chesterfieldian lover was seen handing his chere amie (a lusty wench, with red ochre cheeks) over a remarkably low stile: whether the subject, or the manner of its execution had inspired the muse, is no matter; but beneath was the following: "In courtship, Strephon careful hands his lass Over a stile a child with ease might pass" The next was "matrimony;" but, oh!

You's all nice gen'lemenwerry nice gen'lemen, an' you sorter owes it to yo'sev's fo' to not do no sich nasty wuck as hangin' a po' ole nigga wench; 'deed you does.

Provoked beyond expression at this unseasonable courtship, I shook the window till it flew open, and, before my companion had time to alight and witness the scene, both the hero and the heroine came to the door of the inn, the latter holding a lantern in her hand, by which I observed she was an ugly kitchen wench of about eighteen, and he a young man of five-and-twenty.

But Tam kend what was what fu' brawlie: There was ae winsome wench and wawlie, That night enlisted in the core, Lang after kend on Carrick shore (For monie a beast to dead she shot, An' perished monie a bonie boat, And shook baith meikle corn and bear, And kept the country-side in fear).

thou art a good plump wench, I like you well; prythee, make haste and bring store of boys; but be sure they have good faces, that they may call me uncle.

Farewel good bountiful Bartolus, 'tis a brave wench, A suddain witty thief, and worth all service: Go we'll all go, and crucifie the Lawyer.

"He will marry the daughter of rich parents, a red-haired, blear-eyed, big-mouthed, crooked-nosed wench.

"Madam," he said, "she is an odious wench," and he proceeded to denounce her audacity in presuming to choose a religion for herself.

He nebber t'ink any good look, now-a-day, in a ole wench.

" I would not deny him the satisfaction of this belief, but I felt pretty sure that had she been riding betwixt us in her old gown, instead of beside the Don as his daughter, all her father's preaching would not have stayed her from behaving herself like an orange wench.

88 adjectives to describe  wench