10 adjectives to describe wert

she found the place a ruin and thou wert gone, and O, methinks her heart came nigh to breaking.

quoth Duke Beltane feebly, "faithful wert thou to the last!

The author says: "If thy heart is not inspired by gazing on this lovely city, it is a fatal signthou wert not born to feel the sweet impulses of the Beautiful!"

But let it gothou wert speaking of thanking God, and in that; Roman though I am, I fervently and devoutly join with or without saints' intercession.

I exclaimed, "that from the crimson altar and from the fiery font wert visited with secret lightthat wert searched by the effulgence in the angel's eyewere these indeed thy children?

I exclaimed, "that from the crimson altar and from the fiery font wert visited with secret lightthat wert searched by the effulgence in the angel's eyewere these indeed thy children?

But O! my pipe, how sweet thou wert to

Many are found crying, in bitterness of soul, 'What must I do to be saved;' while others are enabled to adopt the language of inspiration, and exclaim, 'O Lord, I WILL praise thee; for though thou wert angry with me, thine auger is turned away, and thou comfortest me.'

"Loveliest of creatures," said he, "by the murmuring of thy voice, the heaving of thy bosom, the distraction of thy looks, and by these tears, I should imagine thou wert uneasy."

I counseled thee to yield, to soften, When thou didst seek to tarry yet awhile; But thou wert blind, ensnared; The heavy stroke had not yet fallen, Which I foresaw, whereof I warned thee first.

10 adjectives to describe  wert