71 adjectives to describe whipping

When the man came home to his dinner, he showed the dog the pieces of the shirt, and gave him a severe whipping.

They watched her with the fascinated gaze we give to a petted child encroaching upon the rights of a cross dog, or the pretty lady with her little riding whip in the cage of the lion.

Though many still are writhing under The cruel whips of "chevaliers," Who mothers from their children sunder, And scourge them for their helpless tears Their safe deliverance is not far!

It is probable that he came to this most important conclusion many years before, and it is not unlikely that his first cowboy enthusiasm was fed by attacks upon the cat, with the nearest approach he could obtain to a rawhide whip.

The bloody whip was however kept in motion till savage barbarity itself was glutted.

In her hand she carried a light riding-whip.

Then there was the "Bedford Times" I travelled with, which was Whitehead's fire-engine kind of motor; but generally in that district John Crowe was the celebrated whip.

Their slow and languid gait, and the trifling services which they impose, betoken only apathetic indolence; but should the slave not promptly obey, should he even fail to divine the meaning of their gestures, or looks, in an instant they are armed with a formidable whip; it is no longer the arm which cannot sustain the weight of a shawl or a reticuleit is no longer the form which but feebly sustains itself.

The negro whip is the common teamster's whip with a black leather stock, and a short, fine, knotted lash.

" Isabel in amazement at his words, that he should tempt her to the same fault for which he passed sentence of death upon her brother, said, "I would do as much for my poor brother as for myself; that is, were I under sentence of death, the impression of keen whips I would wear as rubies, and go to my death as to a bed that longing I had been sick for, ere I would yield myself up to this shame."

I was as ready as any body to seize the domestic whip, and flog my slaves without hesitation.'

He took the woman into the door yard, stripped her clothes down to her hipstied her hands together, and drawing them up to a limb, so that she could just touch the ground, took a very large cowskin whip, and commenced flogging; he said that every stroke at first raised the skin, and immediately the blood came through; this he continued, until the blood stood in a puddle down at her feet.

[Footnote 1: According to a notice issued by the Society for the Protection of Animals in Munich, the superfluous whipping and the cracking of whips were, in December, 1858, positively forbidden in Nuremberg.]

The verdict of the coroner's inquest was, "Died of excessive whipping."

All three died a premature death, and it was generally believed by his neighbors, that extreme whipping was the cause.

Starling, when he thus discoursed, sat chiefly in the little office before the rusty stove, idly flicking his memory with a buggy whip from the rack above his head, where reposed a dozen choice whips soon to become mere museum pieces.

" He has a most Christ-like contempt for the hypocrite, whom he scourges with heavy evangelical whips,but the tenderest Christian love for earnest men struggling after nobleness.

Servants always got an extra whipping when she had any personal trouble, as though they could help it.

He tugged again, and as he tugged he quivered at the sound of a human voice and shrank as though the familiar whip of Cordova had cut him.

At the request of Sir Peter Hales he had alighted at a saddler's for the purpose of leaving a parcel committed to him, when his attention was attracted by an old-fashioned riding-whip.

First of all it was a short, blobby nose, and then suddenly he shot it out like a telescope, and then out it flew and became thinner and thinner until it was like a long, red flexible whip.

He was nevertheless given a frightful whipping, six persons holding him while others rained blows upon him.

The two strong horses trotted on in their usual leisurely fashion, in spite of all the gay whip-cracking of their driver, who also wished to contribute to the music.

He had on a broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat, top-boots, with enormous spurs, and carried a gigantic whip in one hand, and a portmanteau in the other.

Whipcord and similar small articles next vanished, and finally a handsome new whip.

71 adjectives to describe  whipping