70 adjectives to describe whisperings

But that weird whispering, coming as it did from an undiscovered source, was inhuman and utterly uncanny.

For ever, as I journey on, to me Waking or sleeping come faint whisperings And fancies not of earth, as if the gates Of near eternity stood for me ajar, And ghostly gales come blowing o'er my soul Fraught with the amaranth odors of the skies.

The Nymph no longer shall be shy, But leave the jilting Road; And Daphne now no more shall fly The wounded panting God; But all shall be serene and fair, No sad Complaints of Love Shall fill the gentle whispering Air, No echoing Sighs the Grove.

Once they paused and heard a mysterious whispering among the Crows, who left them standing alone and withdrew a little distance.

Most of his questioning pertained to the I.W.W. And even excited whispering by her father and Jake had no power to interest her.

But always the interminable thin whispering in the back of her head went on and on.

" "The large girls worried me with loud and constant whispering and inattention to the lesson," was the school-teacher's sorrowful report.

Mauger the worst, I will have many harts That shall affect my secret whisperings; And chinck of golde is such a pleasing crie, That all men wish to heare such harmony,

There was only heard a confused whispering.

As a drunkard goes back to the destroying cask, so do you continue to return to your fine home at Storisende and to the incessant whispering of your father's father, for all that you have but to remain in Suskind's low red-pillared palace to be forever rid of that whisper and of this dreary satiating of human desires.

But always the interminable thin whispering in the back of her head went on and on.

Here, instead of the light whispering of leaves, was the drowsy song of multitudinous bees.

Now, much to Mary's annoyance, their confidential whisperings were carried on in English.

And this way and that way would I speak with Naani, sending my words silently with my brain-elements; yet was it doleful and weariful and dreadful always to have speech into the dark, and never to hear the answering beat of the Master-Word, and the sweet, faint voice whispering within my soul.

the tongue running fast, the tongue running loose, the tongue running on wheels; all talk and no cider; foul whisperings are abroad

As a matter of fact, although few things are spoken of with more fearful whisperings than this prospect of death, few have less influence on conduct under healthy circumstances.

The middle-sized girls, her companions in the white mother's class, indulged in frequent whispering at her expense and kept deep silence when she tried to lead the class, as she was wont, in reading reference verses and in concert recitation of the memory verses and the Golden Text.

I sat up in bed, and as I listened intently, heard frightened whispering without my door.

To Waco, rigid and staring, the air seemed filled with a kind of hovering terror, a whining threat of danger that came in bursts of driving sand and dwindled away to harsh whisperings.

Hoarse whisperings and the click of the cocking of guns from below told that the Iroquois were mustering for a rush.

When the bells tolled and the musicians played their dirge, ugly gargoyles came out suddenly all over the spires and pinnacles, and great shadows passed swiftly down the steps and terraces, and there was hurried whispering in the abyss.

An ominous silence pervaded the circle, with the exception of the hushed whispering of a number of women who had forced themselves into the line of spectators, bent upon witnessing the sight of blood as well as hearing the sound of lashes.

I am constantly beset by these impertinent whisperings.

To see Maggie grow up into a beautiful, refined, and cultivated woman was now the great object of Hagar's life; and, fearing lest by some inadvertent word or action the secret should be disclosed, she wished to live by herself, where naught but the winds of heaven could listen to the incoherent whisperings which made her fellow-servants accuse her of insanity.

The Lord's Prayer is a very intimate whispering of the soul with God.

70 adjectives to describe  whisperings