139 adjectives to describe whistling

" Then, still holding the horse by the bridle rein, he put his fingers to his lips and blew a shrill whistle, whereupon fourscore yeomen came leaping over the stile and ran to where the Knight and Robin stood.

Then all of a sudden, as though taking a grip on himself, Toby would stop short, draw in a long breath, give a sharp whistle, and strange to say, start talking as plainly as the next one.

Smith blazed away at him; where the ball went, Mercy knows; but the deer dashed forward with accelerated speed, and a louder whistle, and went crashing up the hill-side.

Meantime, the Friar stood watching keenly for what might come to pass, holding in his fingers the while a pretty silver whistle, such as knights use for calling their hawks back to their wrists, which whistle always hung at his girdle along with his rosary.

"Ne'ertheless, I fear thee not, and will let thee have thy wish, providing thou wilt also let me blow thrice upon this little whistle.

and the treacherous Colonel gave the peculiar whistle both men used to call the dogs to supper.

However, they roused from their despondent attitudes when they heard a familiar whistle in the distance, and began automatically to straighten their hats.

With a prolonged whistle he dropped back on the pillow, and pulling the counterpane over his face he shook with laughter.

" The next afternoon John strode along in the direction of 'The Willows' to the accompaniment of a merry whistle.

This evening the faint whistle of his voice was fainter than ever, and she had to bend very low to catch his gasping words.

We heard a locomotive whistle up the road, and some one said the relief train was coming with doctors and nurses, but the show owner who was with us said: "Relief doctors, nothing.

" Evadne lifted the golden whistle which hung at her girdle and blew the call which the well-trained servant understood.

"Suddenly the air was filled with shrill whistling, as shells of the seventy-fives were hurled against the attackers.

I liked his cheerful whistle as he stood waiting for a job under the porch of the public building where his slate hung, watching the luxurious carriages roll by, and the well-to-do gentlemen who daily passed him to their comfortable homes, with a steady, patient sort of face, as if wondering at the inequalities of fortune, yet neither melancholy nor morose over the small share of prosperity which had fallen to his lot.

I saw him busy at his work, While blithe as skylark's song His merry, mellow whistle rang The pleasant street along.

Here's a comfortable seat, and here's an English paper!" He thrust it into Crowther's hand and departed with a careless whistle on his lips.

Pretty soon we 'heard a loud whistling and we wondered what it was, because it didn't sound like a train and it sure wasn't on a motor-boat.

The voice of the sea grew nearer; now he could hear the dull thud of the waves, then the weird whistling sounds that succeeded.

She looked up at him and smiled as he joined her, but went on with her low, sweet whistling all the same.

It seemed to him that he heard a faint whistling.

[A distant whistle is heard.

Ten minutes after his departure he returned to the hall, the gay whistle still on his lips, and trod a careless measure to its tune as he advanced.

"Of course they must," answered Maxton, who, with both elbows on the desk, was blowing subdued railway whistles through his hands; "every new fellow has to write his name on that little slate on Mr. Watford's table, and he enters them from there into his mark-book.

And so we did go, and alway with a good caution, lest that some Beast or Creature should come upon us; and alway with the fire-holes before and behind, and in the air of the Gorge the little whistlings of steam that did spirt out in this place and that; and a good warmth in many parts, by reason of the fires; and odd whiles a smelling of sulphur; but not greatly, nor to our trouble.

Miss Bradshaw's eyes sparkled, and at that moment the shop-bell tinkled and a lively whistle sounded.

139 adjectives to describe  whistling