6 adjectives to describe wiser

"We'll model our school, not upon what the ignorant wise of the Middle Ages thought ought to be life, but upon life itself," said Dr. Hargrave.

~The Ladye of the Lab.~ He fareth in a joyous wise Where runs the road 'neath gentle skies How should his canine heart surmise That where the red-roofed towers rise

Turning from the incline of cross-street into this petty Baghdad of the petty wise, the voice of the street corner lifted itself above the inarticulate din of the thoroughfare.

But ere he could arm himself in any sufficient wise, Sir Tauleas drave down very fiercely upon him.

In brief, she makes age honourable and youth admirable, the virtuous wise and the wise gracious.

The soil that erst so seemly was to seen, Was all despoiled of her beauteous hew, And soote fresh flowers wherewith the summers queen, Had clad the earth, new Boreas blasts down blew And small fowls flocking in their songs did rew The winter's wrath, wherewith each thing defaste, In woeful wise bewailed the summer past.

6 adjectives to describe  wiser