6 adjectives to describe wither

The maverick allowed Carolyn June to swing her weight from the glossy withers, to clasp her arms tightly about the trim, clean-built neck, and when, after an hour, the girl started toward the house, the outlaw mare protested so eagerly against being left alone that she turned back to the corral and leaning against the fence stroked the soft muzzle thrust between the bars.

And the slow light withers a despot's powers, And a mad king's curse is not forever!

" A little wither of disappointment went over Pearl's bright face, but she shook it off impatiently.

And the slow light withers a despot's powers, And a mad king's curse is not forever!

MARGARET Where young men's flatteries cozen young maids' beauty, There pride oft gets the vantage hand of duty, There sweet humility withers.

Yea; there were times when he would look upon Sir Tristram in that wise and whisper to himself: "Would God would send a blight upon thee, so that thou wouldst wither away!"

6 adjectives to describe  wither