1541 adjectives to describe word

He left bitter memories in France during the Franco-German War, was called the "Red Prince," he was so hard and cruel, always ready to shoot somebody and burn down villages on the slightest provocationso different from the Prince Imperial, the "unser Fritz" of the Germans, who always had a kind word for the fallen foe.

It is probable that, if this had happened at Horace House, Jack Vance would have received a good licking as soon as the classes were dismissed; but a few very plain and forcible words spoken by Rowlands on the subject of knocking small boys about caused Noaks to postpone his retaliation.

When they do not care for yarn or calico, his looms stand idle for a year; the vast machinery of the world turns on woman's little word: I want.

> Words descriptive of brief utterance are, in nearly every instance, in their origin figurative.

Why do I take such pleasure in the mere words which I am now setting down?

" Martin shivered and nestled closer to her; and then while the shadows of evening were gathering round them, she sat rocking herself to and fro on a stone, murmuring many tender, sweet words to him, until the music of her voice and the warmth of her bosom made him sleep.

For every harsh and bitter word this tongue hath spoke thee, now doth it humbly crave thy pitiful forgiveness!

Slightly by, the spoken word and the whistled innuendo followed her like a trail of bubbles in the wake of a flying-fish.

The street-door was a little way open, and the loud, angry words attracted the notice of a bonze (one of the Japanese priests) who happened to be passing.

It is pleasant to know, then, that the renderings of the New York Rendering Company are likely to be reactionary as well as suicidal, (perhaps suetcidal might be a better word here,) in their results.

Exact words, hey?" "Well, what of it?" exclaimed the ensign excitedly.

And when I stand in silence, Me dumb my jailers deem, And if I speak, in gentle words, They say that I blaspheme.

No one who has read many of the ancient gravestones but remembers the bitter words that are often found on them,words of indignation against the gods, of weariness of life, of despair and unconsoled melancholy.

" This Billie did in the fewest words possible and then sat down to the bacon and eggs that Debbie had placed temptingly on the table.

The heart of Claudio was sorely grieved, when he found he had falsely accused Hero, who, he thought, died upon hearing his cruel words; and the memory of his beloved Hero's image came over him, in the rare semblance that he loved it first: and the prince asking him if what he heard did not run like iron through his soul, he answered, that he felt as if he had taken poison while Borachio was speaking.

It was one general opinion among them, that the eclipses of the moon were the consequence of certain magic words by which sorcerers could wrench her from the skies, and drag her near enough the earth to cast a frothy spittle on their herbsone of the principal ingredients in their incantations.

Yet, having made up my mind, I had no intention of giving up the attempt; and, with a sharp word to Pepper, to release me, I continued my descent, leaving the poor old fellow at the top, barking and crying like a forsaken pup.

Each life is bound up with many others, and every rash act of yours, every hasty word of yours, must affect to some extent the lives of those who are nearest and most dear to you.

And the words he spoke were familiar words, not his, but out of the old life.

These solemn words of our dying Saviour have been, in all ages, and in all lands, the death prayer of many of those whom He redeemed, with the great price.

" He hurried out into the brilliantly lighted street, stung by the laughter and idle words.

It cannot here be denied, that as new ideas always require new signs to express them, some foreign words, and perhaps phrases, must necessarily, from time to time, have insinuated themselves into the Romansh, by the military and some commercial intercourse of the Grisons with other nations; and this accounts for several modern German words which are now incorporated into the language of the Engadine.[AI]

It grew darker: the mountains of snow glowered wan like the dead kings in Hades; the sweeps of dark forests whispered some broken mysterious word, as she passed; sometimes, in a sudden opening, she could see on a far hill-side the red fires of a camp.

A friendly word will usually one's enemies.

I pray thee let no kindly word be said Of me at all, for in the train thereof, Whenas yet-parted lips, sigh-visited, End speech and wait, mine when I will to move, Such joy awakens that I grow afraid.

1541 adjectives to describe  word