12 adjectives to describe wos

R593855. Fun a welt wos iz nish to mer: of a world that is no more.

R593855. Fun a welt wos iz nish to mer: of a world that is no more.

He 'opped about that bar 'arf crazy, until at last the landlord and 'is brother, and a couple o' soldiers, and a helpless cripple wot wos selling matches, put 'im outside and told 'im to stop there.

" "Well, I think her 'ead wos sou'-west, if it warn't nor'-east.

But the temptation is too strong for him; like the victims of the Lorelei, he looks, like them beholds a maiden of unearthly beauty, to him the harbinger of earthly wo.

"Shak. "A single look more marks th' internal wo, Than all the windings of the lengthen'd oh."Lloyd.

David Mizzle was of opinion that the foot-lights "wos oncommon grand," which was an unquestionable fact, for they consisted of six tin lamps filled with seal-oil, from the wicks of which rose a compound of yellow flame and smoke that had a singularly luminous effect.

"'They'll taste as good for all that,' says I; for somehow I'd taken't in me head that he'd heard o' the way the Injuns make soup o' the grasshoppers, an' wos wantin' to try his hand at a new dish!

The sweetnesse of that banquet must forgo, Whose pleasant tast is chaungde with bitter wo. Ara.

" "Of coorse ye wos, Dame Varley, and I've comed here a purpis to tell ye.

" "Of coorse ye wos, Dame Varley, and I've comed here a purpis to tell ye.

"Mahs' Junius he say to Miss Rob that he lub her better'n his own skin, or de clouds in de sky, or de flowers in de fiel' wot perish, an' dat de udder man he done cut an' run, an' would she be Miss Junius all de res' ob der libes foreber an' eber, amen?" "Dat wos pow'ful movin'!"

12 adjectives to describe  wos