33 adjectives to describe wots

I'll show ye wot to do wid yer fish.

"My uncle, have you not, then, succeeded in bringing this young man to the bosom of the True Church?" "Child, the way is hedged up, and made almost impassable by difficulties you little wot of.

He 'ad brought a bottle o' whisky in with 'im, and he was so 'appy that they see plain wot had 'appened.

"Coffee-shop or something; and a smart, active man wot keeps his eyes open can always pick up a little money.

"This is my wife, Mrs. Alfredi," he ses, introducing 'im to a fat, red-'aired lady wot was sitting inside sewing.

'Hit a poor, dumb animal wot don't know no better!

When we got to the cabin we found the door was locked, and, arter the skipper 'ad told Artful wot he'd do to 'im if he didn't open it, he 'ad to go on deck and talk to 'im through the skylight.

I sent for Mr. Alfredi to come and take Kumbo away, and when I spoke to 'im about Rupert he said I was dreaming, and asked me whether I wasn't ashamed o' myself for carrying off a pore black gal wot 'ad got no father or mother to look arter her.

He only sat down for a flash, and then he bent down and hit his 'ead an awful smack against another 'ead wot 'ad just started up to see wot it was sitting on its legs.

"I see then that I 'ad been done, and I was just walking out o' the shop, pretending to be deaf, when Mr. Watson come back with a silly young policeman wot asked me wot I meant by it.

His feet was sore with dancing and his throat ached with singing Zulu, but wot upset 'im more than anything was an elderly old party wot would keep jabbing 'im in the ribs with her umbrella to see whether he could laugh.

It was nine o'clock when he went, and at ha'-past nine Ginger began to get impatient and wondered wot 'ad 'appened to 'im, and when ten o'clock came and no Isaac they was both leaning out of the winder with blankets over their shoulders looking up the road.

"He winked at something acrost the river as 'e spoke, and I stood there thinking my 'ardest wot was the best thing to be done.

Then Jasper Potts bent his 'ead down and began to read out loud wot was on the bottle.

He's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, windictive creetur wot's put me in, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with a dropsy, ven he said that upon the whole he thought he'd rather leave his property to his vife than build a chapel with it.

He's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, windictive creetur wot's put me in, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with a dropsy, ven he said that upon the whole he thought he'd rather leave his property to his vife than build a chapel with it.

And there I did be, half-gone out from this life, and lookt at her with eyes that did scarce wot, save as in a dream.

and I don't mind that litel Billy Sims wot lives down by the postofis has got meesils

An' now youse say dat you'll be sorry fer der feller wot hired me ter do yer!

an' I do all we can an' more To please the splendid women wot 'ave bin an' won the War."

" The little man went out, and came back agin shoving in a fat, stumpy Zulu woman wot began to grin and chatter like a poll-parrot the moment she saw Rupert.

It was surprising wot a little difference George Dixon's being away made to the Blue Lion.

They was both of 'em fairly strong young chaps with a lot of bounce in 'em, and she used to say to her 'usband wot fine young fellers they was, and wot a pity it was he wasn't like 'em.

He's a malicious, bad-disposed, vorldly-minded, windictive creetur wot's put me in, with a hard heart as there ain't no soft'nin', as the wirtuous clergyman remarked of the old gen'l'm'n with a dropsy, ven he said that upon the whole he thought he'd rather leave his property to his vife than build a chapel with it.

Dat was a cheap trick wot I got from old Jem, dat were.

33 adjectives to describe  wots