25 adjectives to describe wrappings

In spite of the careful wrapping, it had got rather crumpled.

Genius, I am told, sometimes locks its door and, if unrestrained, peels its outer wrappings.

[Illustration: The Secret Stair] Many must have been the romantic meetings aided by those diminutive steps, but, peering into their shadows, we saw nothing but a vision of Marie Antoinette, half clad in dishevelled wrappings of petticoat and shawl, flying distracted from the vengeance of the furies through the refuge of the low-roofed stairway.

Casey looked up from bending over the fourth tire wrapping.

But you are now bound for a diversely ordered world, a world in which your handsome wrappings are not to the purpose.

But in vain that scantiness of drapery: the white body rose splendidly out of its ineffective wrappings only to be overwhelmed by an incredible incrustation of jewellery: only here and there did bare hand's-breadths of flesh unadorned succeed in making themselves visible.

There was an inner wrapping of tissue paper containing a small white pasteboard box which bore the name of a fashionable New York jeweler, and inside the box the origin of the tinkle was revealed in a small brass bell.

Scarcely had the door of his apartment closed behind him, when he threw aside the invalid wrappings with a perfect fury, sprang from his chair, and hastened into the inner room.

" José's fingers fumbled the little corn-husk wrapping for the cigarette he meant to make.

Eagerly he tore off the numerous wrappings and disclosed acocoa-nut!

In the same oiled silk wrapping we find photographs of his wife and children, and cheek by jowl with them, the photographs of abandoned women and filthy pictures, such as can be bought in low quarters of big European cities.

From his beak depended a largish bundle, in pale blue wrappings, so that at a glance they knew the stork was bringing a girl.

There, still wrapped in its carelessly torn off postal wrappings, lay the box containing the ruby ring which Jessica Bremner had returned.

Some fantastic trellis, brown and benevolent, shall knot supporting arms around it, and day by day it shall twine daintily up toward my southern window, and whisper softly of the sweet-voiced, tender-eyed woman from whose fairy bower it came in rosy wrappings.

As soon as the scaffold is ready, the body is borne by the women, followed by the female relatives, to the place of final deposit, and left prone in its secure wrappings upon this airy bed of death.

Much surprised, the unrolled the sheepskin wrappings from his legs and got down from his seat.

"Silver Cake" and bonbons in silver wrappings accompanied the ice cream.

In case this plan is employed, care must be taken to have sufficient wrappings between the bread and the bottles to prevent undue heat, and the bottles should be covered with an additional blanket to aid in retaining the heat as long as possible.

The goods are placed on the lower moving table upon a suitable wrapping of some kind of jute cloth; when the requisite quantity has been placed thereon, the top and side wrappers are placed in position, and the pumps started in order to raise the bottom table and to squeeze the content between it and the top fixed table.

The lads observed that for the most part these dames, instead of completely hiding their faces with thick wrappings as did their sisters in the streets, covered them merely with a fold of thin muslin, permitting their features to be plainly seen.

I am sure, for example, that many of you, listening to what poor account I have been able to give of transcendental idealism, have received an impression of its arguments being strangely thin, and of the terms it leaves us with being shiveringly thin wrappings for so thick and burly a world as this.

" By this time I had unwound the voluminous wrappings and exposed the injurya deep gash in the palm that must have narrowly missed a good-sized artery.

"The man and woman now faced each other and again began the buffalo song, keeping time by touching with the clenched handsthe right and left alternatelythe wrappings of the pipe, occasionally making the sign for buffalo.

As for the Hydropathist, the Genius of the Bath, whose dwelling is in Damascus, would be convulsed with scornful laughter, could he behold that aqueous Diogenes sitting in his tub, or stretched out in his wet wrappings, like a sodden mummy, in a catacomb of blankets and feather beds.

When thou shalt press him against thy breast in these gay-colored wrappings, Oh, then remember the kindly youth who bestowed them upon us, And who me also henceforth, thy sister, will shelter and nourish.

25 adjectives to describe  wrappings