49 adjectives to describe yarns

The day before, every little girl had her hair in tight braids securely knotted with woollen yarn.

This we did, after which he made fast a piece of salt meat to a bit of spun yarn, and bent this on to the boat hook.

Paul pictured what he would see when he lifted the lid: a collection of forms, hangers, patterns, yard-sticks, a tape measure, and somewhere in it a little black yarn mitten.

The warp threads have ultimately to be wound or "beamed" on to a large roller, termed a weaver's beam, while the weft yarn has to be prepared in suitable shape for the shuttle.

The local carpet weavers make the warp and woof of woolen yarn in which loops of alpaca wool, black, gray, or white, are inserted to form the desired pattern.

A swab is something like what a birch-broom would be if its twigs were made of long, coarse, hempen yarns.

"Not with Sheriff Higgins on the job," chuckled the driver, in high good humor now that he was getting off his favorite yarn.

When the finished yarn appears in the form of rove (often termed spinning direct), as is the case for heavier sizes or thick yarns, 8 in.

A great mound of gray yarn, uncut skein after uncut skein of it, rose off the brocade divan, more of them piled in systematic pyramids on three chairs.

It will be understood that the purpose for which the finished yarn is to be used will determine largely the choice of the bales for any particular batch.

A PHILOSOPHER "The web of our life is of mingled yarn, good and ill together," says Shakespeare.

It's an old forecastle yarn, my man, that you can't reel off in the cabin.

"That's a grand yarn!"

A swab is something like what a birch-broom would be if its twigs were made of long, coarse, hempen yarns.

Some of these instances are simply hints, upon which the fervid imagination will spin imaginary love yarns in endless gossamer.

The excitement of packing my box with provender like a sailor who was going on a long voyage, the unwonted thrill of having a large sum of money concealed about my person, and above all the imaginative yarns of my elder brother, had fired me with the thought of adventure.

That didn't put me much farther on the road, but when Morrison rolled up with his delightfully ingenious yarn, he gave me just the clue I was looking for.

Wasn't it me you was writin' up, these last few days?" "I waserreconsidering that devil's lantern yarn you told me, Casey.

Linen yarns, entered for 15,534,391 ...

Dear Bob was not only such a gentleman, but such a man, that it was almost a pleasure to be at secret issue with him; he would make way for me at our lady's side, listen with interest when she made me spin my martial yarns, laugh if there was aught to laugh at, and in a word, give me every conceivable chance.

Here's Colonel Burr come to call on the ladies!" Mrs. Scudder's first movement, in common with all middle-aged gentlewomen, was to put her hand to her head and reflect that she had not on her best cap; and Mary looked down at her dimpled hands, which were blue from the contact with mixed yarn she had just been spinning.

I was a fool ever to have listened to your nonsensical yarn.

"And then there's a picturesque old yarn told about itoh, whether it's true or not, of course I don't know.

Crowest spins a pretty yarn of Beethoven's acting as "postillon d'amour" by carrying love letters for a clandestinely loving couple.

"It's a queer yarn, John," she said.

49 adjectives to describe  yarns