8 adjectives to describe yesterday

Golden yesterdays.

He laid one hand on her' head, and said, "Child, it was a 'sweet yesterday' wasn't it?" "Oh, yes," said Mercy, still absorbed in the thought of the poem.

But your pride of race, turning away from the unhappy past, sees your Golden Age in the days to come, not in the dim yesterdays.

And the youth that used to be Once again along the ways Of our glorious yesterdays.

Wonderfully sanguine is this fellow's temperament: "A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays And confident to-morrows.

"The great game" of to-day, rather than of any hoary and romantic yesterday, holds the interest of the modern man.

He was much occupied in remembering phantom yesterdays, and I do not think he listened very much to what the 'bus-conductor said.

The space of but a few brief yesterdays seems to have passed since the occurrence of the following out-of-the-way incidentsout-of-the-way, even in our profession, fertile as it is in startling experiences; and yet the faithful and unerring tell-tale and monitor, Anno Domini 1851, instructs me that a quarter of a century has nearly slipped by since the first scene in the complicated play of circumstances opened upon me.

8 adjectives to describe  yesterday