12 adjectives to describe youthfulness

An indefatigable youthfulness is its distinction.

He had married in the interval, and as if to keep up his surprising youthfulness in all relations, he had taken a wife considerably older than himself.

I'd 'a' 'lowed you wuz ten years younger 'n him, easy, ef you wuz a day!" "Give my compliments to the poor old gentleman," returned Mrs. Ochiltree, with a simper of senile vanity, though her back was weakening under the strain of the effort to sit erect that she might maintain this illusion of comparative youthfulness.

The energetic youthfulness of the soil had penetrated my breast, which I pressed with force against the common mother, and at times I imagined myself to be one of the strong willows that lived around me.

But the Arabs of Spain were then in that unstable social condition and in that heyday of impulsive youthfulness as a people, when men are more apt to be excited and attracted by the prospect of bold adventures than discouraged by reverses.

there is no telling what wonders can be worked by incurable youthfulness and treasures laid up in a trust company.

"I reckon you are Carolyn June and Missus Ophelia Cobb," Old Heck stammered "Which one of you is which?" unconsciously paying tribute to the well preserved youthfulness of the widow.

The well-turned neck and shoulders he descries, The spacious forehead, and the sparkling eyes; The hands that Bacchus might not scorn to show, And hair that round Apollo's head might flow, With all the purple youthfulness of face, That gently blushes in the watery glass.

He heard the accents of her voice, felt again the slender youthfulness of her frame.

Blame rather your own blooming youthfulness which imparts fulness to your bosom.

He was freshly shaved, freshly pressed, freshly anointed, and, as he paced gallantly across my vision, I perceived him to be slightly grizzled at the temples, but nevertheless of a vigorous and grim youthfulness that was almost daunting.

She moved lightly with a buoyant youthfulness strangely at variance with the stately dignity of Mrs. Hildreth and the studied repose of Isabelle.

12 adjectives to describe  youthfulness