146 adverbs to describe how to above

The huge bulk of the sun, rose high above me.

I descended from a very large, tall and stout race of beings, much larger than the generality of people in other parts of the globe, being commonly considerably above six feet in height, and in every way well proportioned.

A slim foot-bridge stretched across it, now scarcely above the swollen current.

The majesty of trade is so infinitely above any thing else"and so forth.

The moon was straight above them, and the night was almost as bright as day, when he went down again to hunt for Gray Wolf.

He swam with his head barely above the water, and he was ready to dive immediately should he be sighted.

Extend the arm vertically above the head; carry it laterally downward to the side and swing it several times between the vertical and downward positions.

"If I didn't see what I think I saw, I'll eat my hat; if I did see what I'm sure I saw, I'm madder than the hatter who made it!" Nearer and nearer, heard by him distinctly above the frantic splashing of his oars, her Lorelei song sounded perilously sweet and clear.

There he lay exhausted, stretched out at full length, so tossed about on the billows that he had a sensation of being in a swing; but the sea grew quiet at last, and when he looked up it was dark, the stars glittering in the dim blue vault above, and the smooth, black water reflecting them all round him, so that he seemed to be floating suspended between two vast, starry skies, one immeasurably far above, the other below him.

THE DACE, OR DARE.This fish is gregarious, and is seldom above ten inches long; although, according to Linnaeus, it grows a foot and a half in length.

Aeschylus also (Ag. 816) has some obscure phrases pointing in the same direction: "A horse's brood, a shield-bearing people, launched with a leap about the Pleiads' setting, sprang clear above the wall," &c. Euripides here treats the horse metaphorically as a sort of war-horse trampling Troy.

He called softly, his voice little above a whisper: "Gloria!"

A few moments later three aeroplanes, which had been hanging low above the German fleet, dashed forward.

Tell them, I AM, Jehovah said To Moses: while Earth heard in dread, And, smitten to the heart, At once, above, beneath, around, All Nature, without voice or sound, Replied, "O Lord, THOU ART.

We struck across to an island opposite our landing-place, containing five or six acres, covered with a dense growth of spruce, hemlock, and fir, with an occasional pine standing with its tall head proudly above the other forest trees, while along the ground the low whortleberry bushes, loaded with fruit, now just ripening, grew.

He floundered over to where the unbroken ice began, and then raising his feet alternately above its edge, he crushed it downward.

LINDSELL, HAROLD. Abundantly above.

Most of them were young, seemingly not above thirty years of age, of a good stature, with very thick black lank hair, mostly cut short above their ears, though some had it down to their shoulders, tied

The moon shone at the full as she rose majestically above the pines which fringed the eastern horizon.

To the right, beneath them, the white falls of the river gleamed dimly above the bridge, and the roar of it came to their ears like the roar of the sea.

(From Wordsworth's "Sonnet on Milton") Shakespeare and Milton are the two figures that tower conspicuously above the goodly fellowship of men who have made our literature famous.

The stars wore shining brightly above.

With pale face and set teeth he quietly bound the handkerchief tightly above the wrist, and, inserting the fork handle in the knot, twisted it about.

Mr. Holmes was almost drowned, and, had not John seized one arm which he swung wildly above his head, he probably would have been washed overboard.

All across the meadow lands the hot air danced and quivered, and in the limpid waters of the lowland brook, spanned by a little stone bridge, the fish hung motionless above the yellow gravel, and the dragonfly sat quite still, perched upon the sharp tip of a spike of the rushes, with its wings glistening in the sun.

146 adverbs to describe how to  above  - Adverbs for  above