61 adverbs to describe how to absurd

She will realize how utterly absurd it is to attempt to be any thing else.

Besides, the accounts that one reads in the newspapers are manifestly absurd and exaggerated.

[80] If he means that the only legitimate data of geologists are facts of observation, classified and recorded, well and good; but to deny that they deal largely in hypotheses, and use them constantly as the premisses for inferences which are equally hypothetical, is palpably absurd.

It must be answered from the presumption before-mentioned, "by the right of reparation, or of punishment:" an answer plainly absurd and contradictory, as it supposes the aggressor to have a right, which the injured only could possess.

The idea that they should ever have to fight for their lives is to them supremely absurd.

Even those measures, sir, which have been mentioned as most grossly absurd, and represented as parallel to the provision made in this clause only to expose it to contempt and ridicule, may, in particular circumstances, be rational and just.

However, I assume from your remark that we have been retained in a matter presenting some peculiarly absurd, archaic or otherwise interesting doctrine of law?" "Not directly," responded Tutt.

" Yawning behind her hand, the Flowerpot murmured something about Free Trade being positively absurd, and her guardian went on: "Nevertheless, Mr. BLADAMS is going on-with his work, which he calls 'The Amateur Detective;' and if it ever does come out you shall have a copy.

Now every position here taken is demonstrably absurd.

Now, that this was the real model from which the figures on the papyrus were taken I could not doubt, when I considered the seemingly absurd fidelity with which in each murder the papyrus, smeared with honey, was placed under the tongue of the victim.

If they claimed, as individuals, to represent the highest reach of European civilization, the claim would be merely absurd.

There was a peculiar humorous protest in it when recounting or hearing anything specially absurd, as who should say "'Pon my soul this is too ridiculous!

"A singularly absurd custom takes place in this country, in certain forms of political homage shown to a white elephant,a preternatural animal kept for the purpose,superbly lodged near the royal palace, sumptuously dressed and fed, provided with functionaries like a second sovereign, held next in rank to the king, and superior to the queen, and made the recipient of presents, and other tokens of respect from foreign ambassadors.

To learn to speak it requires about as long as to learn to converse passably in French, Italian, or Spanish; and unless it be spoken well, it is exceedingly absurd to any appreciative listener.

For the higher kinds of poetry he has no sense, and his talk on that subject is delightfully and gorgeously absurd; he sometimes stops a minute to laugh at it himself, then begins anew with fresh vigor; for all the spirits he is driving before him seem to him as Fata Morgana; ugly masks in fact, if he can but make them turn about, but he laughs that they seem to others such dainty Ariels.

But assuming this to be his mode of thinking, how ludicrously absurd appears all the trouble he took to engrave the false stone in an exactly similar manner to the other.

But the Senator thought it was unspeakably absurd that a woman with her sentiment and emotional nature and liability to be moved by passion and feeling should hold the office of Senator.

It would be preposterousabsolutely absurd to entertain any such idea.

There was also a story-teller, who entertained the Bey every night with the most extraordinary stories, some of them frightfully absurd.

It is wildly absurd!"

Suppose for an instant (and, absurd as the supposition is practically, it is not logically absurd), that the child at six were strong enough to whip his father; let him have the intellect of an infant, the mistakes and the faults of an infant,which the father would feel himself bound and would be bound to correct,but the body of a man; and then see in how different fashion the father would set himself to work to insure good behavior.

If the relative experience was inwardly absurd, the absolute experience is infinitely more so.

There was something ironically absurd about it.

Please, please, don't be so irresistibly absurd!

You may be shocked as you read this by the plainness of my words, but you know them to be true, though you suppose that to insist on the facts is "impracticable" because you fancy that there is no way out of the marvellously absurd arrangements that exist.

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