24 adverbs to describe how to acceptable

The truth is, that with some of them venison and trout were beginning to be somewhat stale dishes, they did not relish fat pork, and a change therefore to roasted bear meat was peculiarly acceptable.

Sir William and Damon, soon waited upon their respective mistresses, and in company so mutually acceptable, time sped with a greater velocity than was usual to him, and days appeared no more than hours.

It was doubly acceptable to me, both for the choice poetry and the kind, honest prose which it contained.

The latter was a studious, hard-working boy in the Fifth, whose parents were known to be in comparatively poor circumstances, and the captain had named him in preference to Ferris, thinking that the guinea which was given as remuneration to the holder of this post, as well as to the two librarians, would be specially acceptable to one who seldom had the means to purchase the books which he longed to possess.

In reference to its style, Dr. Johnson, who was himself greatly distinguished for his colloquial abilities, says that "no style is more extensively acceptable than the narrative, because this does not carry an air of superiority over the rest of the company; and, therefore, is most likely to please them.

"A long glass of hock and seltzer would be exceedingly acceptable.

SEE Hildreth, Gertrude H. BLACK, IRMA S. Learning to be socially acceptable.

Personally and politically acceptable to the Government, he received their hearty coöperation: all power was placed in his hands; he was enabled to concentrate in Virginia the best troops, in large numbers; and the character of this force seemed to promise him assured victory.

Personally and politically acceptable to the Government, he received their hearty coöperation: all power was placed in his hands; he was enabled to concentrate in Virginia the best troops, in large numbers; and the character of this force seemed to promise him assured victory.

While the general idea of mandates issuing from the proposed international organization was presumably acceptable to the President from the first, his support was doubtless confirmed by the fact that it followed the groove which had been made in his mind by the Smuts phrase "the heir of the Empires.

When the promise to pay is issued by a government which decides the value of currency, and accepted by that government as payment for taxes and other obligations, it is more readily acceptable than paper issued and guaranteed by an individual money lender or banker.

Though from the South, his course on the slavery question had been so moderate as to make him reasonably acceptable to the North on his mere personal record.

A new kind of woman, while she is always the despairing hope of men, is seldom acceptable to women; yet when the evening came and Isabel stood up to recite in New Zion schoolroom, women as well as men were instantaneously attracted.

In this respect he was a leader supremely acceptable to the Hasideans or Pious, who rallied about his standard.

mantled!How her eyes sparkled!How sweetly acceptable is praise to conscious merit, while it but reproaches when applied to the undeserving!What a new, what a gay creation it makes all at once in a diffident or dispirited heart!

He paid his money for his room regularly, however, and this was vastly acceptable these hard times.

[Footnote 7: wonderfully acceptable]

She could not believe in a personal God, but Lewes's conception of a dynamic life was doubtless acceptable.

It is true that a dramatist like Mr. Bernard Shaw may, at his own risk and peril, set forth to give us a new reading of Caesar or of Napoleon, which may or may not be dramatically acceptable.

This claim being controverted by Great Britain, those who have preceded the present Executiveactuated, no doubt, by an earnest desire to adjust the matter upon terms mutually satisfactory to both countrieshave caused to be submitted to the British Government propositions for settlement and final adjustment, which, however, have not proved heretofore acceptable to it.

A Sergeant, who had spent most of his life in England, asked us in and gave us some coffee and cognac which was jolly acceptable.

Riles pronounced each syllable of "acceptable" so lightly and with such pleasure that you had to agree.

On the other hand, when it comes to refusing a refuge to the poor and oppressed, who are physically and morally acceptable, but lack a small amount of money, or are unable to respond to a literary test, then the welfare of humanity demands the opposite decision.

On the other hand, when it comes to refusing a refuge to the poor and oppressed, who are physically and morally acceptable, but lack a small amount of money, or are unable to respond to a literary test, then the welfare of humanity demands the opposite decision.

24 adverbs to describe how to  acceptable  - Adverbs for  acceptable