36 adverbs to describe how to aching

Dotty's little heart, the swelling of which had net gone down at all during the night, now ached terribly.

To this Job replied in a weak voice that he was dizzy and his head and neck ached badly, on hearing which, the bo'sun bade him keep lying until he had come more to himself.

Her head was aching violently.

But though he rode with her, yet, for a while, he said very little to her, for his wounds ached him sorely and he was in a great deal of pain.

And while I lay thus, with heart aching dully, the door of my room opened softly, and with joy inexpressible I saw that it was my beloved friend who entered.

The snake-queen did her best to comfort them, but the stumps of the little princes' tails ached so dreadfully that it was ever so long before the snake-queen could put them off to sleep.

Poor Judy's head was aching severely, and when she was exposed to the scorching rays of the sun of the south, her temples throbbed wildly, and

Having succeeded at last in forcing an entrance, and bowing over the hand of his noble hostess, which must have sadly ached, and returned her mechanical words of welcome with a smile as galvanic as her own, Howard sidled his way along the walla waltz was in progressand collided against the "beautiful and bounteous" Bertie, who was mopping his brow and looking round despairingly for his partner.

When he came to his senses he found himself huddled in a corner against the traverse, his head smarting and a bruised elbow aching abominably.

And now he positively ached for a game.

Always her feet were sore at night, aching intolerably.

Little boy, you shall heal the broken dreams, and I shall read in your eyesthe world-secret which aches so heavily in the breasts of women.

Verily, with all these wedding-bells sounding, Betty began to feel that she was likely to be left alone, but who only laughed gayly when twitted with her fancy for maidenhood, and danced as merrily at Sally's wedding as if her heart had lain light in her bosom instead of aching bitterly for one whom she began to fear she should never see more.

When Mr. Tebrick came to himself it was past noon, and his head was aching so painfully that he could only call to mind in a confused way what had happened.

His country had been only a name; he had merely ached to fight.

Little things began to tease me, notably the ache of my swollen wrists, and the intolerable cramp in my legs.

So Sadie watched the needle assiduously, and ignored the fact that her head ached pretty regularly, and she was generally too weary when lunch time came to enjoy the black bread and pickles which, with a cup of strong tea, made her noon meal.

My head ached savagely, I was chilled to the core, and every part of my body felt as if it had been trampled on by a powerful and rather ill-tempered mule.

In the afternoon, I sat as usual at the receipt of custom, hearing of aches and pains, till I ached myself sympathetically from head to foot.

Annie's wrists and back ached unbearably, the sweat got in her eyes, but she drove on.

"Verily, I ache all over," returned the new acquaintance under the hencoop.

At thought of him My heart aches wearily.

So much in my actual surroundings brought back the past with an aching distinctnessparticularly the entrance of two charming young people, making rainbows all about them, as, ushered by a smiling waiter, who was evidently no stranger to their felicity, they seated themselves at a neighbouring table with a happy sigh, and neglected the menu for a moment or two while they gazed, rapt and lost, into each other's eyes.

"Mr. Renfrew," he stammered, "Mr. RenfrewII" His throat abruptly ached and choked.

And Myra herself, that charming presence to infold his lifeHe would go walking through the golden October park, by little leaf-strewn paths under the wild and sun-soaked foliage, with many vistas every way of luring mystery, and over all the earth the rich opulent mother-bliss of harvest, and his heart would ache, ache within him, ache for his own harvests, ache like the sun for the earth, the man for the woman.

36 adverbs to describe how to  aching  - Adverbs for  aching