45 adverbs to describe how to adoring

With him I landed on the Chian shore, And him shall ever gratefully adore.'

Consequently, he was adored by all Western Greece; every captain acknowledged him with pleasure as his chief; the proud Souliots gloried in being under his immediate command.

"And yetwe were fond of each other, weren't we, Jack?" "Why, I positively adored you.

He will be away for twenty days, and, while he wishes to be off, he wonders how those twenty days will pass without a sight of Bettina, for now he frankly adores her.

The Church humbly adores the DIVINITY as exhibited in the holy Scriptures.

That famous clique comprised the secretly adored of Horace (Lady Granville now), Lady Sophia Fermor.

She listened, silently adoring the goodness of the Lord, and vowing that henceforth her confidence should be only in Him.

El Rey, the King,that almost mythical sovereign, who was ignorantly adored as the personification of wisdom and beneficence, no matter how cruelly Viceroys might misgovern, or Captains-General oppress,was it possible to conceive him a captive, the signer of his own humiliation, the renouncer of his immemorial rights?

She is to the savage a miracle to be alternately adored and dreaded.

So earnestly indeed did they adore him that, after he had preached a stirring series of sermons on the evils of gambling, they decided to subscribe and send him for a holiday to Monte Carlo.

Your own lovely babe you so fondly adored, Death's torn from the heart of her mother, So full was your soul of a mother's deep love, You would gladly have died to restore her.

She was like a nymph out of a tree, without human responsiveness, yet with round arms and waist and rosy column of neck, made to be helplessly adored.

In the first rank are those false gods of the gentiles, which were adored heretofore in several idols, and gave oracles at Delphos, and elsewhere; whose prince is Beelzebub.

He yielded perforce and was madder over her than ever, fêted and worshiped and adored her inordinately when he was with her, deluged her with flowers and poetry and letters between times, called her up daily and nightly by telephone just to hear her voice, if he might not see her face.

The little publicans and shop-keepers of Morfe did not offend it; neither did the peasants and the farmers; they were part of the place; generations of them had been born in those gray houses, built from the gaunt ribs of the hills; whereas the presence of the summer visitors was an outrage to the silent and solitary country that his instincts inscrutably adored.

The former type found itself insufficiently respected, and the latter type found itself insufficiently adored.

Dear Saviour I must praise Thee and lovingly adore.

In later times, they play and sing for the solace of the divine Infant, not merely adoring, but ministering: but these angels ministrant belong to another class of pictures.

For the belief in relatively pure creative beings, whether they are morally adored, without sacrifice, or merely neglected, is so widely diffused, that Anthropology must ignore them, or account for them as 'loan-gods'or give up her theory!

The Brabanter found plump Queen Philippa with the kingdom's arbitressDame Catherine de Salisbury, whom King Edward, third of that name to reign in Britain, and now warring in France, very notoriously adored and obeyed.

Thus it was natural enough, men say, that, when the lewd and evil god whom nowadays so many adore as Sesphra of the Dreams was for establishing his power by making an alliance with me, I should have driven him howling and terrified into the heart of a great fire.

she told them triumphantly, not unconscious of the depressing result of her disclosures upon a couple of boys of the college age who adored openly and with frequent lapses from glorious hope to bleak despair.

Lena passionately adoring; the aloof Heyst passing suddenly from indifference to ardour; the bestial Ricardo in pursuit of his startled quarry; and gentleman Jones intent on non-existent booty and rapt out of him self by cynical fury at the discovery of an unsuspected woman in the case.

These beasts, maintained at the cost of the priestly communities in the great temples of their respective cities, were perpetually adored and prayed to by thousands during their lives, and at their deaths were entombed with the utmost care in huge sarcophagi, while all Egypt went into mourning on their decease.

"The one idea of a man seems to be, if a woman does not adore him personally, it is because she is as cold as ice.

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