21 adverbs to describe how to akin

In blessed homes, or in scattered dissipations of show, amusement, or the worse which these shows and amusements are but terribly akin to, women give purpose to and direct the results of all men's work.

Charlotte's genius indeed was so profoundly akin to Charlotte's nature that its way, the way of its upward progress, was by violent impetus and recoil.

Like the people of the eastern seaboard, the men high in governmental authority were apt to look upon the frontiersmen with feelings dangerously akin to dislike and suspicion.

For example, in Chapter V it forms into groups words etymologically akin to each other.

This etymology may possibly be just, but certainly such contractions as are here spoken of, were not very common in Lowth's age, or even in that of Ben Jonson, who resisted the s. Nor is the sound of sharp th very obviously akin to flat s.

Some of his elders judged it to be 'false fire' perilously akin to the 'enthusiasm' which their predecessors had so often condemned.

525 Oh, with what echoes on the board they fell! Ironic diamonds,clubs, hearts, diamonds, spades, A congregation piteously akin!

This is practically akin to the transfusion of bloodexcept that it is upon the psychic plane instead of the physical.

But although psychically akin, he is in truth widely separated from the mystics in spirit and temperament and belief.

*** "We still believe," says the Kölnische Zeitung, "that in thought the German and the Britisher are racially akin."

But Major Bugbee, to whom the cobbler's wife had been remotely akin, and who was at that time first selectman of the town, took the orphans with him to his house, where they tarried till he found good places for them.

Others were lying wide awake and tense, but for reasons scarcely akin to hers; they were appalled, not heartsick.

Titian's chalk-studies, Fra Bartolommeo's, so singularly akin to Andrea del Sarto's, Giorgione's pen-and-ink sketch for a Lucretia, are seen at once by their richness and blurred outlines to be the work of colourists.

No one would think for one moment of considering Confucianism, Hinduism, or Buddhism as specially akin to Christianity, whereas Islâm has been treated by some historians of the Christian Church as belonging to the heretical offspring of the Christian religion.

Nor shall we call him a traitor for loving the French, a people to whom his people owed so much, and to whom he was spiritually akin.

While I leaned over the rail engrossed in these thoughts, one of the black thunder clouds that had been gathering and dissipating over the island during the entire afternoon suddenly glowed overhead with a strange white incandescence startlingly akin to Darrow's so-called "devil fires.

They closed on mine with a grasp strangely akin to the rigidity of death.

The inner life of things must be substantially akin anyhow to the tenderer parts of man's nature in any spiritualistic philosophy.

22.As a preposition, a has now most generally become a prefix, or what the grammarians call an inseparable preposition; as in abed, in bed; aboard, on board; abroad, at large; afire, on fire; afore, in front; afoul, in contact; aloft, on high; aloud, with loudness; amain, at main strength; amidst, in the midst; akin, of kin; ajar, unfastened; ahead, onward; afield, to the field; alee, to the leeward; anew, of new, with renewal.

"Out went the taper as she hurried in; Its little smoke in pallid moonshine died: She closed the door, she panted, all akin To spirits of the air and visions wide: No utter'd syllable, or woe betide!

Oddly enough, this boy, who was once thought greater than his sister Emily, was curiously akin to the weak and ineffectual Anne.

21 adverbs to describe how to  akin  - Adverbs for  akin