22 adverbs to describe how to amazed

" "I, too, recollect the affair quite well," Jack declared, tugging at his mustache, utterly amazed at my love's strange story.

And there, in that spacious gallery, already deserted and silent, he came upon an unexpected scene which utterly amazed him.

He nodded, and Stella was genuinely amazed.

Encouraged thus she brought her younglings nigh, Watching the motions of her patron's eye, And drank a sober draught; the rest amazed Stood mutely still, and on the stranger gazed; Survey'd her part by part, and sought to find The ten-horn'd monster in the harmless Hind, Such as the Wolf and Panther had design'd.

After these words he stay'd, and spake no more, But joyfully beholding us each one, His words and cheer amazed us so sore, That still we stood; when forthwith thereupon: But, why slack you, quoth he, to do the thing For which you come?

By all my hopes I do, above my life: But how this passion should proceed from you So violently, would amaze a man, that would be jealous. Are.

I paid little attention to it, being considerably amazed at the sudden turn which things had taken, and astonished altogether by Mr. Lindsey's production of the ice-ax.

She was, at first, too deeply amazed to resent the sharp attack.

And beholding those steeds gifted with the speed of the wind thus drawing the car, the blessed king of Ayodhaya was exceedingly amazed.

he cried, immensely amazed.

The spruce forest had a depth and a darkness that even Ben had never seen; the wild creatures that they sometimes glimpsed on the bank stared at them wholly without knowledge as to what they were, and likely amazed at the strength whereby they had braved this seething torrent that swept through their sylvan home.

" Avery was literally amazed by his manner.

It was high upso high up that I felt momentarily amazed that all those Germans could distinguish it as a French flyer rather than as an English flyer at that distance.

He was privately amazed: "Oho-ohoh, yes, certainly.

"What do you think, Martha?" "I think there is no objection," said Mrs. Harding, secretly amazed at Rachel's entertaining the idea.

" At this his relations were sore amazed; not for that they believed that what he said to them was true, but because they thought that some frenzy distemper had got into his head; therefore, it drawing toward night, and they hoping that sleep might settle his brains, with all haste they got him to bed.

The captain was terribly amazed, and even confounded at this, believing they would go on board the ship again, and set sail, giving their comrades over for lost, and so he should still lose the ship, which he was in hopes we should have recovered; but he was quickly as much frightened the other way.

He would indeed have been unutterably amazed if anyone had whispered to him that well nigh the sole circumstance which would entitle him to be remembered by posterity, and the sole event of his life by which he would be at all generally known, was that momentary and accidental relation to his despised prisoner.

They stood regarding one anothershe incredulously amazed, and he with his heart beating fast.

They were visibly amazed at being caught before they could cross the canal at St. Quentin, as was their plan, and they were obliged to turn and attempt to check our advance, in order to gain sufficient time to permit their artillery to cross the canal and escape complete disaster.

Not that it says anything specific; butbut it amazes meit enrages me.

Mightily amazed some of Fritz's officers must have been, back in April, as they sat and took their ease in these luxurious quarters, to have Jock come tumbling in upon them, a grenade in each hand!

22 adverbs to describe how to  amazed  - Adverbs for  amazed