25 adverbs to describe how to ancient

I exclaimed, 'hast thou dared to espouse more wives than one? Rememberest thou not what is written in the Book of the prophet Ad?' "'O father,' he said, 'the revelation of Ad being, as thou knowest, so exceedingly ancient, doth of necessity require a commentary.

To us migratory English those singularly picturesque villages which capped all the hills, and were reached by curiously ancient paved mule paths zig-sagging up among the chesnut woods, seemed to have been created solely for artistic and picnic purposes.

A little farther down the river are two towns with a distinctly ancient and Dutch aspect.

The drably ancient and moth-eaten story with which every unsuccessful gambler seeks to establish an alibi.

We have the beautiful bog asphodel againan enormously ancient form; for it is, strange to say, common to North America and to Northern Europe, but does not enter Asiaalmost an unique instance.

The family of Featherstonehaugh is one of the oldest in the North; and it was concerning the death of one of this familySir Albany Featherstonehaugh, who was High Sheriff of Northumberland in the days of Henry VIII.that Mr. Surtees, the antiquary, wrote the well-known ballad, which, when Surtees gave it him, deceived even Sir Walter Scott into thinking it genuinely ancient.

The work of the archaeologists among the immeasurably ancient ruins of the low-land forests and the Andean plateaux is of this kind.

She had succeeded in compelling the neutral Dorian island of Mêlos to take up arms against her, and after a long siege had conquered the quiet and immemorially ancient town, massacred the men and sold the women and children into slavery.

Surely this is one of the many facts which point toward some immensely ancient civilisation in the Tropics, and a civilisation which may have had its ugly vices, and have been destroyed thereby.

And who ever came back in a hurry from Indian Mound, with its quaint vast earthworks, its ugly, incredibly ancient potteries and flint instruments that could be uncovered anywhere with the point of a cane or parasol; its superb panorama, bounded by the far blue hills where, in days that were ancient when history began, fires were lighted by sentinels to signal the enemy's approach to a people whose very dust, whose very name has perished?

In returning through the lane which we have just alluded to, the first turning on the right conducts to the church, which interestingly-ancient edifice demands a remark in this place.

As for the perpetual introduction of the emblem of the Padre Eterno, seen above the sky, under the usual half-figure of a kingly ancient man, surrounded by a glory of cherubim, and sending forth upon a beam of light the immaculate Dove, there is nothing to be said but the usual excuse for the mediæval artists, that certainly there was no conscious irreverence.

Let no one dismiss the foregoing retrospect as merely ancient history.

"Talking of lions," said the ancient, musingly, "I s'pose as you never 'eard tell of the Claybury tiger?

They still fight their battles on the bloody arena of the Rasenmill, Ritschenkrug, and Bovden, still preserve the mode of life peculiar to their savage ancestors, and still, as at the time of the migrations, are governed partly by their Duces, whom they call "chief cocks," and partly by their primevally ancient law-book, known as the Comment, which fully deserves a place among the leges barbarorum.

At Rho, where I stopped to dine, stands a remarkably ancient tree said to have been planted in the time of Augustus.

We may just allude to Hegel's theory that clairvoyance and hypnotic phenomena are produced in a kind of temporary atavism, or 'throwing hack' to a remotely ancient condition of the 'sensitive soul' (füklende Seele).

Whether from length of time its worth we draw, The word is scarce more ancient than the law: Heaven's early care prescribed for every age; First, in the soul, and after, in the page.

HEEREN, LUDWIG, a German historian; professor of History at Göttingen; wrote on ancient and modern history, specially the ancient and its antiquities; eminent in both (1760-1842).

We have Lycopodiumsthree speciesenormously ancient forms which have survived the age of ice: but did they crawl downward hither from the northern mountains or upward hither from the Pyrenees?

It could no longer be said that the wife of a Musgrave of Matocton lacked an authentic and tolerably ancient pedigree.

Saavedra said that he had found near his house several bottle-shaped cists lined with stones, with a flat stone on topevidently ancient graves.

The Ludi Cereales certainly included circenses, and plays are only mentioned as forming part of their programme under the Empire; but on the last day, April 19, there was a curious practice of letting foxes loose in the Circus Maximus with burning firebrands tied to their tails,a custom undoubtedly ancient, which may have suggested the venationes (hunts) of later times, for one of which Caelius wanted his panthers.

It may belong to that comparatively ancient Flora which existed when there was land way between the two continents by way of Greenland, and the bison ranged from Russia to the Rocky Mountains.

But the proper names and titles, unquestionably ancient and genuine, which I have analyzed in the preceding pages refute this supposition.

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