5 adverbs to describe how to apposite

Upon that score, my lord,you know I am fond of comparisons, and I think I have hit upon one in this case, that must be acknowledged remarkably apposite.

203 As the morning does not derive its glory from the circumstance of its being "wash'd with dew," and as it is not a peculiarly apposite comparison, I conclude that here, too, as in other instances, the sound alone has caught the ear of the imitator.

And here they are,seemingly not apposite to this line of reflection, yet running parallel to it very closely: [HEBREW PHRASE]

A more strictly apposite example may be found in Sir Arthur Pinero's play, His House in Order.

"I mention not a Medal as a new ideait has been already in contemplation; and a motto for it suggested, which applies with such singular force and propriety to the person whom it is designed to commemorate, that perhaps the wide range of classical literature could not afford another passage so strikingly apposite to a character so extraordinary "Stupuere patres tentamina tanta, Conatusque tuos: pro te Reus ipse timebat.

5 adverbs to describe how to  apposite  - Adverbs for  apposite