78 adverbs to describe how to appropriating

To contemplate La Giselle in all its bearings is a pleasure which is peculiarly appropriate to the season.

Yet on account of the mere similarity of expression we can well understand how in the course of time some of Mother Juliana's utterances came to be more ill-sounding to faithful ears in proportion as they came to be more exclusively appropriated by the unorthodox.

The government spent $200,000 on instruments, $1,500,000 on buildings, and annually appropriated $38,000 for salaries of observers.

Those who knew him will recognise how singularly appropriate, in their full force, are the terms in which he is here spoken of.

Thus also the evening cloud, exhibiting a fleeting representation of successive objects, is, perhaps, justly appropriated to Autumn, as in that Season the general decay of inanimate nature leads the mind to turn upon itself, and without effort to apply almost every image of sense or vision of the imagination,* to its own transitory state.

As I sat on the verandah of the Hotel the other morning, gazing on the broad expanse of Ocean and wiping the perspiration which trickled from my lofty brow, (the thermometer marked 90 degrees,) I could not help recalling the beautifully appropriate lines of the celebrated bard: "When the sun's perpendicular rays Begin to illumine the Sea, The fishies exclaim in amaze 'Confound it!

The scenery and decorations were magnificent, being taken from Denon's drawings of Egyptian views, and the costume was exceedingly appropriate.

These lessons, the Bible requires us reverently to listen to, earnestly to appropriate, and most diligently and faithfully to act upon in every direction and on all occasions.

The apostle addresses himself here to two classes of servants, with instructions to each respectively appropriate.

Such exercises seem to be eminently appropriate for a people whose hearts and minds are almost petrified in civil and religious forms and ceremonies.

The offices of government and the courthouses were seized, the collection of debts was forbidden, and private property was forcibly appropriated to meet the common needs.

When a native has a particularly heavy load to carry, or a long journey to make, he thinks nothing of coolly appropriating the well-fed beast of some Spaniard; which, when he has done with it, he turns loose without attempting to feed it, and it wanders about till somebody catches it and stalls it in the nearest "Tribunal."

The first story only is at present finished, and hereafter will be solely appropriated to the accommodation of travellers, when another, to be raised above, will be exclusively devoted to permanent inmates.

The dynasty could not bear the idea that we would not give to its ambition the life sweat of our people; it was not contented with the 1,500,000 dollars which were generously appropriated to it yearly.

New and strange urgencies are at work in our midst, forces for which the word "revolutionary" is only too faithfully appropriate.

1.The terms here defined are the names usually given to those parts of the verb to which they are in this work applied; and though some of them are not so strictly appropriate as scientific names ought to be, it is thought inexpedient to change them.

The words in the part were strikingly appropriate, and he did not hesitate to insert a phrase or two of his own when he came to speak of the man "Who with a constant mind upheld the state, Stood on the people's side in perilous times, Ne'er reeked of his own life, nor spared himself".

If subsequently appropriated by another party it becomes, so far as that party is concerned, the Wrong whale, and on Trying the case its value may be recovered in a court of law,with Whaling costs.

Who stole the cattle of the natives, calmly appropriated the choicest bits of valley land without so much as a by-your-leave, and who treated the rightful owners with contempt and as though they had no right to live in the valley where they were born.

The right of the Government to appropriate permanently to its own service claims to slave-labor should be asserted, and the right of the owner to compensation therefor should be recognized.

Think of the innumerable foundations in the countries of the old world, intended for poor boys, which have been gradually appropriated by the rich.

I just lay where I was, gasping for breath, and spitting out a large mouthful of the Thames which I had unintentionally appropriated.

The provisions of the two vessels might now, virtually, be appropriated to the crew of one; and Roswell, when he came to reflect on the circumstances, saw that a Providential interference had probably saved the survivors from great privations, if not from absolute want.

The following dialogue then passed, the Englishman asking the questions, of course, that being a privilege expressly appropriated to the public vessel on occasions of this sort: "What ship's that?and whither bound?" "Dawn, of New York, Miles Wallingford, from home to Hamburg.

" Exquisitely appropriate is also Professor Trent's comparison of Lee "with Belisarius and Turenne and Marlborough and Moltke, on the one hand, and on the other with Callicratidas, and Saint Louis, with the Chevalier Bayard and Sir Philip Sidney.

78 adverbs to describe how to  appropriating  - Adverbs for  appropriating