69 adverbs to describe how to armes

Then Beltane sheathed his dagger and, in three long strides was close behind, and, stooping above the man, sought and found his hairy throat, and swung him, mighty-armed, that his head struck the wall; then Beltane, sighing, laid him upon the floor and turned toward a certain arras-hung arch: but, or ever his hand came upon this curtain, from beyond a voice haileda voice soft and musical.

The advance guard was composed of legions of cavalry, heavily armed, that looked like moving masses of polished steel.

They were without artillery or adequate provisions, and were poorly armed, but it was certain death for one of them to be seen on the streets.

Labienus awaited the Parthians and Ventidius the heavy-armed soldiers.

Shall now be doubly armed.

But, beholding the look in his blue eyes and the smile that curled his mouth, they stumbled to their feet and sought to draw weaponthen Beltane sprang and caught them each about the neck, and, swinging them wide-armed, smote their heads together; and together these men sank in his grasp and lay in a twisted huddle across the table among the spilled wine.

One of the generals at the head of a column sent to tell Bugeaud that he was face to face with an enormous body of men, badly armed, who made no attack upon him, but only shouted, "Long live reform!

When the fourth month came, that best of the Bharatasthe strong-armed son of Pandubegan to subsist on air alone.

The road was lined with hedges of giant cactus, now in blossom, and shaded occasionally with broad-armed sycamores.

This once heard, And easily believ'd, th'inraged Souldier Seeing no further than the outward-man, Snatch'd hastily his Arms, ran to the Court, Kill'd all that made resistance, cut in pieces Such as were Servants, or thought friends to Gerrard, Vowing the like to him.

In the harbor, which was on the south side of the mole, and, consequently, on the side opposite to that from which Achillas was advancing toward the city, there were lying a large number of Egyptian vessels, some dismantled, and others manned and armed more or less effectively.

Clambering over the walls of the wide enclosure, and threatening to storm the house, were a mob perhaps a thousand in number, many of them similarly armed, the rest with staves, spears, or such rude weapons as chance might afford.

Early next morning, Azambuja landed with all his followers, who were secretly armed, in case of meeting with any hostilities from the natives; and moved forwards in great form to a large tree, not far from the Negro village of Aldea, on a spot which had been chosen as a convenient situation for the intended fortress.

Presently, he armed himself anew, and waited for another opportunity.

This practice necessitated the submarine being on the surface, and so gave a merchant ship defensively armed a chance of replying to the gun-fire and of escaping, and it also gave armed decoy ships a good opportunity of successful action if the submarine could be induced to close to very short range.

This is the time, by the use of a few daily exercises at school, to draw back the rounding shoulders, to form the habit of sitting and standing erect, to build up strong and comely arms and chests, and otherwise to train pupils to those methods which will serve to ripen them into vigorous and well-knit men and women.

Persons sometimes go elephant-hunting, armed merely with firearms; but this is attended with danger.

Indeed they were gallantly armed, every man having a musket, bayonet, and a pistol, besides cutlasses, hangers, pole-axes, and hand granades.

And sure enough Dick, gravely arming himself from the store in Rosa's "catch-all," set to fastening the big buttons as composedly as if he had been brought up in a tailor's shop.

Hannibal placed before the standards the Baliares and the light-armed troops, to the amount of nearly eight thousand men; then the heavier-armed infantry, the chief of his power and strength: on the wings he posted ten thousand horse, and on their extremities stationed the elephants divided into two parts.

The strangers were clothed in the most grotesque manner imaginablesome armed, some naked, some with long beards, others were painted all over with red ochre; every part of each figure was quite still, except the rolling and glaring of their eyes on their opponents.

For well the soul, if stout within, Can arm impregnably the skin; And polar frost my frame defied, Made of the air that blows outside.

The gendarmerie and police of the city did not number more than eighteen hundred men inadequately armed.

The insurrection, or revolution, if it may be so called, at this time consisted of a nominal central government, chiefly self-organized and self-elected, and various roving bands, probably numbering some thousands in their aggregate, of men rudely and incompetently armed, and showing little or nothing of military organization or method.

The Irish foot, upon whom the brunt of the action fell, were untrained, indifferently armed, and had never before been in action; their opponents were veterans trained in European wars.

69 adverbs to describe how to  armes  - Adverbs for  armes