58 adverbs to describe how to astonish

The man was utterly astonished, and said he'd never heard of such particular people.

Looking for but a small result in such a short time, he was considerably astonished to find how well the boy could read; for he not merely gave the words correctly, but the sentences, which is far more difficult; that is, he read so that Hector could understand what the writer meant.

Mrs. Wyatt had been closely veiled; and when she raised her veil, in acknowledging my bow, I confess that I was very profoundly astonished.

The sound seemed to astonish him exceedingly; and as I went on to repeat several questions in the same tongue, for the purpose of showing him that I could speak and was desirous of doing so, I observed that his wonder grew deeper and deeper, and was evidently mingled first with alarm and afterwards with anger, as if he thought I was trying to impose upon him.

"How did you escape?" I repeated to them what I have just told you, at which they were mightily astonished.

Lulu was genuinely astonished.

I recognised the name Golden Horn, and was vastly astonished to find her here against this unknown island.

He gave largely to charities and campaign funds, and his left hand would have been justly astonished to know what his right hand was about.

For first, it meant that he had made a great discovery; secondly, that he was not now astonished because he had not succeeded before in his watchfulness; thirdlybut perhaps the two mentioned may be sufficient; for, turning sharply round, he made the greatest haste to reach Monette and inform him, this time, of the result of his espionage.

Piers was plainly astonished.

" They were mildly astonished at the request, but as Uncle John was always doing some unusual thing they gave the matter little thought.

Franz von Sickingen appeared in the outskirts of Frankfort with more than twenty thousand men of the German army, "whereat marvellously astonished," says Fleuranges, "were they who wished well to the King of France and very mightily rejoiced they who wished well to the Catholic king.

The cry of the runners scatters the crowd, and even the panniered donkeys and perpetually astonished camels somehow contrive to become two-dimensional while the white procession goes by.

She was inexpressibly astonished, she trembled in every limb, and could scarcely support herself to a seat.

Folks were merely astonished that such a harsh, avaricious woman should have been willing to quit this life without taking her goods and chattels with her.

So for many days a group of puzzled and increasingly astonished people set about the study of their own town's principal street, as though they had never seen it before.

Then after them came two men who walked together, at the sight of whom the' jaws of all the monks dropped, and they stood so infinitely astonished that no power was left in them.

When he came on to the castle-bridge, all the English were mighty astonished.

" Even Tudor looked momentarily astonished, but as he watched Piers saunter away with his arm round Jeanie's thin shoulders his expression changed.

She was invited to a quite sufficient number of hops and proms, had quite the normal number of masculine "callers," and was naïvely astonished and disillusioned to find that those factors in life were by no means as entirely desirable and amusing as her anguished yearning had fancied them.

Of course, we were naterally astonished at seein' one another just then, and the meetin' didn't seem to be altogether agreeable to either party.

Westaby Jones was, for a stockbroker, obviously astonished.

Naylor was openly astonished.

"Precisely because they are astonished at nothing, major.

Although constantly giving, I have never yet touched the bottom of my fund, and have been repeatedly astonished to find what large drafts it would bear.

58 adverbs to describe how to  astonish  - Adverbs for  astonish