166 adverbs to describe how to bents

"Come here, Obed," he remarked, quietly, and as the other eagerly bent over, Max went on to say: "You can see that here's another footprint, and quite different from the one made by his heavier boots.

I bent lower, and looked; then gave vent to an expression of surprise.

That young lady was standing at the window, refusing to be comforted by her friend Fannywho had given her the pigeon, it will be rememberedand obstinately bent on proving to herself that she was the most wretched young lady who had ever existed.

For though the British, and later the French, lines were bent backward for miles, and gaps were occasionally torn in them by the foe's furious attack, the Allied defensive withstood the onslaught and after a month of the most terrific struggle the world has ever seen, both British and French forces presented an unbroken front to the disappointed enemy.

By Heaven, and so will Carlos then; for I'm so resolutely bent to possess that dear Creature, That I will do't with hazard of my Life, Expence of Fortune, or what's dear to me.

And there she sat, one knee crossed over the other, slim foot swinging, perplexed brows bent slightly inward.

Then swiftly she bent once more over the little woman in the bed.

The crowd round a couple of dogs fighting is a crowd masculine mainly, with an occasional active, compassionate woman fluttering wildly round the outside and using her tongue and her hands freely upon the men, as so many "brutes"; it is a crowd annular, compact, and mobile; a crowd centripetal, having its eyes and its heads all bent downward and inward to one common focus.

Then bent they reverently before the Abbess, saluted Beltane and, side by side, strode away together.

" Thorndyke paused before replying, with his eyes bent thoughtfully on the floor, and we all looked at him anxiously.

As when a well-graced actor leaves the stage, The eyes of men Are idly bent on him that enters next, so idly did we bend our eyes upon one another, when the chief performers in the morning's pageant had vanished.

He was desperately bent on saving a life so dear to Adelheid, or on dying in the attempt.

Julian leaned far forward and, bracing himself with his feet, bent backwards so as to bring his whole strength into play.

The crowd, though thoroughly good-humoured, merely bent on enjoying themselves, had degenerated into a rabble.

Accompanied by war-songs from the warriors and hoots and yells from the squaws and fiendish children, the unfortunate men were being brought across the river in triumph, and then a deep hush fell upon our garrison, as every person within the walls bent forward anxiously to get a glimpse of those who were being carried to the theatre of a terrible death.

As they passed through the village which had been to them the scene of many happy hours, they took a last look at the spots which were hallowed by associationthe church with its lowly spire, an emblem of that humility which befits a Christian, and the burial-ground, where the weeping willow bent mournfully over the head-stone which marked the graves of their parents.

Mr. Van Torp took off his hat, and bent down sideways till his flat cheek rested on the knight's stone shin, and he blew out the flame with one well-aimed puff.

Seeing, however, his father so earnestly bent on the matter, his resolution began to give way, and at length he consented to the arrangement.

" Kurt had forgotten the girl and was unaware of her eyes bent steadily upon him.

But all else spoke of deformitythe badly bent back, the twisted body, the short leg, the misshapen foot.

"A young man studious to know his duty, and honestly bent on doing it, will find himself led away from the sin or folly in which the multitude thoughtlessly indulge themselves; but, ah! poor fallen human nature!

With the roll so lying on the ground that the edge of the shelter half can just be seen when looking vertically downward one end is bent upward and over to meet the other, a clove hitch is taken with the guy rope first around the end to which it is attached and then around the other end, adjusting the length of rope between hitches to suit the wearer.

HIND-QUARTERS AND HIND-LEGSVery muscular, hocks well let down, stifles moderately bent, and not twisted inwards or outwards.

A big man in officer's uniform was seen to stagger away bent almost double and holding his hands over his abdomen.

These lacerating stirrups are tied up short to the saddle, and the knees of the rider are bent forwards in a very ungainly manner.

166 adverbs to describe how to  bents  - Adverbs for  bents