11 adverbs to describe how to betrothed

The very day of his arrival they became formally betrothed.

" "No, he does not know of our betrothal yet," said the other, in a lower tone of voice; "when I asked his permission last year he told me to waitthat his daughter was too young yetwe were betrothed secretly.

" Mr. Whitelaw seemed to derive a kind of satisfaction from the utterance of his newly-betrothed's Christian name, which came as near the rapture of a lover as such a sluggish nature might be supposed capable of.

Burchell himself tells us that Bushman girls "are most commonly betrothed" when about seven years old, and become mothers at twelve, or even at ten.

At the age of 17 she was legally betrothed by the notary-public to Gabriel, son of Basil the blacksmith, but next day all the colony was exiled by the order of George II., and their houses, cattle, and lands were confiscated.

She is partially betrothed to Paul Rushleigh, but under the influence of nature, and association with an older and nobler man, outgrows her early lover, and marries Roger Armstrong.

When the siege was over, and lifelong friendship had been sworn between Roland and Oliver after their memorable duel on an island in the Rhone, Roland was publicly betrothed to the charming Aude.

Girls are seldom betrothed later than the seventh to the tenth year, often, indeed, immediately after birth or even before.

These two have consequently been betrothed and, being now arrived at marriageable age, their final union is imminent.

In the autumn I was definitely betrothed, and I married fourteen months later.

As the apprentice was skilled in letters, it soon came about that he was the teacher and ere long the lover of the charming maiden, who was duly betrothed to him.

11 adverbs to describe how to  betrothed  - Adverbs for  betrothed