58 adverbs to describe how to big

I hadn't laid there long, when I felt a twitch as if something mighty big was medlin' with the other end of the string.

There was a little murmur of protest at this, for the house appeared to be scarcely bigger than the automobile.

"De Lord Jesus, he say to me,'Pompey, you must be faithful in de little things as well as in de big.

We were ushered into a room very little bigger than ours at Pentonville.

Plenty big enough for Millville," he said, thoughtfully.

I could distinguish no faces, scarcely indeed the outlines of their separate forms in the gloom, but one was an unusually big fellow, far taller and heavier than his companions.

The barn was tremendously big, a great dusty place full of the smell of hay.

"I say," muttered Jacobs, "they're awfully big.

Her gaze was fixed on a hand-bag which Mrs. Holymead carrieda comparatively big hand-bag which the lady had taken the precaution to purchase before driving out to Riversbrook.

They were so enormously big that they appeared to have lost their distinctive features, and seemed to be only twenty-five masses of fat.

The hares in this district are remarkably big and strong-running.

But the cubs are nigh big enough to be taken to market.

Well, I kep' putty still for a while, but not hearin' anything from the bar, I finally looked up, and see that he'd gone for good, and then I got up and started for home in just about ez big a hurry, ez any feller ever went down a mountain.

But now it is challenged by an infinitely bigger task.

"Bigger indisputably.

Great statesmen have been failures; we've seen them go down, you and Itoo big, too far-seeing for their day.

I cannot love youyou areforgive me for saying ittoo big, and fierce, and ugly to love.

"And if the window won't do, we'll try the chimney, it looks a jolly big one.

"All of them, you knowfearfully big.

You know there are two kinds of canals, those on the level, which are merely big over-grown ditches, and those which have to go over hills and through low valleys.

Mount Tom and the Connecticut River were pointed out to Cinque, who said, 'In my country we have very great mountainmuch bigger than thatand river about so wide, but very deep.'

Mother says sour-faced people oughtn't to have a face any bigger'n a crab apple; but Mr. Ewold's face couldn't be too big if it was as big as all outdoors!

His answer was, "Well, Walter, as my good mother used to say, if the kirk is ower big, just sing mass in the quire."

In the intimate half-light of the summer-house, he loomed prodigiously big.

John Mortimer's eldest son, always called Johnnie, to distinguish him from his father, was ridiculously big for his age, portentously clever and keen-witted, awkward, blunt, rude, full of fun, extremely fond of his father, and exceedingly unlike him in person.

58 adverbs to describe how to  big  - Adverbs for  big