22 adverbs to describe how to bitted

It was merely a bit of the game, the old, old game at which she, being richly favoured by nature, was as skilful as a girl of eighteen or nineteen could possibly be.

The bear overtook him, knocked him down and bit him severely.

" Old Stoner wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, bit into a twist of tobacco, spat derisively, and said: "This pup Beacraft swares he'll lift my haar 'fore he gits through with me!

"'Hoddy do, ma'm,' sezee; 'is yo' name Sis' Mahaly, w'at b'longs ter Mars Dugal' McAdoo?' "'Yas,' 'spon' Mahaly, 'dat's my name, en I b'longs ter Mars Dugal'.' "'Well,' sezee, 'yo' husban' Dan wuz down by my cabin dis ebenin', en he got bit by a spider er sump'n, en his foot is swoll' up

But I yielded not; I knelt down and wrestled with the tempter, while the scourge bit more fiercely into the flesh.

Uncle John aimed a blow, but the irritated reptile darting forwards bit the poor dog in the throat.

Two half-grown llamas, which are naturally as quiet and timid as sheep, bit each other very furiously, until they foamed at the mouth.

Then one's villains could die gallantlya bit of good in the worst of men, you knowwhispering a hurried confession in the ears of the Company Sergeant-Major in the front trenches.

But gradually the mists cleared, he became more coherent, and slowly, imperceptibly, bit by bit, he won the others.

The antennæ are" "Dey aint no tin in him, Massa Will, I keep a tellin on you," here interrupted Jupiter; "de bug is a goole-bug, solid, ebery bit of him, inside and all, sep him wingneber feel half so hebby a bug in my life.

The last bit of the journey from Maidenhead onwards seemed to take us an unconscionably long time.

"Do not be angry" said the bit of paper, piteously; "forgive us, for we love.

He very politely bit back an incredulous smile, and said he should be very happy to see her perform.

A while Sir Pertolepe bit savagely at his knuckle-bones, then, lifting his head, spake that all might hear: "Ho, sirs!"

His face was besmeared till scarcely a bit of natural color showed, and his hat was pulled low over his eyes.

echo I, scornfully, "not a bit of it!

" The younger man's hunger, which had given up in despair, raised its head and bit into his vitals sharply.

The air bit shrewdly, and it was "bitter cold" upon entering the sanctum, although I had not quitted it many hours, having watched the "old year out and the new year in," and then taken a short nap; yet Jack Frost had been active during my absence, and cooled down the air of the sanctum some degrees below the freezing point, at the same time coating the window panes with his beautiful crystalline figures.

Nap picked up a twig and bit it viciously.

"I'll tell you what: I'll give you boys six bits apiece for the whisker hairs, and four bits for the galls.

But, as the morning was cloudy, the trout bit voraciously, and in the excitement of catching them, he forgot that he was hungry, and it was almost noon before he reached home.

The frost bit deeply but one night when its grip was sure, the temperature rose a little and snow began to fall.

22 adverbs to describe how to  bitted  - Adverbs for  bitted