6 adverbs to describe how to blurs

Pencil marks blur badly and become illegible in a few months.

He still stood there, gazing back at the fast receding pier, gradually becoming blurred in the distance, but hopelessly.

Progressively the real things of life were blurred and forgotten and the things that were so obviously real that they were unreal became the object and the measure of achievement.

Presently they talked again, quick, short speech, provokingly blurred to the private's ears.

The older faces were, moreover, strangely blurred and divided into sections by furrows that looked like the cleavage-joints of rocks, suggesting exposure on the mountains in a castaway condition for ages.

Wallace had fallen to his knees and was scraping slime from the wet floorthe slime of ages of dust mingled with viscid moisture from the steam that, thinly blurring the dark air, had condensed on the walls and run down.

6 adverbs to describe how to  blurs  - Adverbs for  blurs