16 adverbs to describe how to boyish

"Are you in earnest?" "Of course I'm in earnest," he said, with a frown that was oddly boyish.

" His delight in a form of skill which has always been as magical to me as it seemed to him, was charmingly boyish, and Colin turned over his sketch-book, and showed him the notes he had made as we went along.

With the firelight playing over his face and touching the thrown-back chestnut locks of his heavy hair with high lights here and there, he looked decidedly boyish.

A delightfully boyish young American came inquiring waggishly for his "best girl"; next moment I was given to understand that he meant his bride, who was ten times too good for him, with further trivialities to which the dressing-bell put a timely period.

I have done some desperately boyish things since I was a man grown; things that make me tingle when I recall them.

He looked extraordinarily boyish at that moment, and he seemed to have the fearlessness of a child which knows that the world has no real account against it.

A very strange expression flitted over his upturned face, a look that was indescribably boyish and yet so sad that she caught her breath to still the intolerable pain at her heart.

He seemed almost as slender as a girl, and infinitely boyish in his gracea strange figure, surely, to make all these hardened fighters of the mountain-desert crouch, and stiffen their fingers around the butts of their revolvers!

Presently a smile, markedly boyish and pleasant, broke over his face.

The action was purely boyish.

This was ridiculously boyish.

Mr. Ephraim Tutt she loved with a devotion rare among a sex with whom devotion is happily a common trait, but there was a maternal quality in her affection accounted for by the fact that although Mr. Tutt was, to be sure, an old man in years, he had occasionally an elfin, Puck-like perversity which was singularly boyish, at which times she felt it obligatory for her own self-respect to call him to order.

His face was shrewd, but also kindly, and the gray stubble on his cheeks and chin did not in the least hide a smile that was surprisingly boyish and winning.

Then the Englishman held out his hand with a pleasant and unexpectedly boyish smile.

The barrister was a little mad on the subject of degeneracy, and knew that an unnaturally boyish look in a grown man is one of the signs of it.

There is something comparatively boyish about the triumphs of all the other tyrants.

16 adverbs to describe how to  boyish  - Adverbs for  boyish