14 adverbs to describe how to broadened

Then I turned homewards; and as I went up and over the hill and lost the sight of the village, I saw the road whiten and harden and gradually broaden out till the tracks of wheels appeared; and it went afar to take the young men of Wrellisford into the wide ways of the earthto the new West and the mysterious East, and into the troubled South.

It broadened quite curiously the rather too broad nostrils; it set the wide eyes wider; it brought a sudden blue into their thick gray.

So the day broadened hotly; the shadows of the Lombardy poplars curdling up into a sluggish pool of black at their roots along the dry gutters.

They each knew that they had come to a fork in the road, and that the distance between them would inevitably broaden.

This particular barrier was strange to Thor, and with his maturer knowledge of beaver ways he knew that his engineering friendswhom he ate only occasionallywere broadening their domain by building a new dam.

The stream of human thought and deed was hurrying and broadening onward.

His pinched-in shoulders broadened perceptibly.

This he did in a two-fold mannerby binding it into a more strictly artistic form, and by treating every poem in such a way that its subject-matter readily broadened its individuality until it expressed a complete idea.

Her mouth, too, was small and amiable, and her most frequent expression was a smile, which seldom broadened into a laugh, as she had her own reasons for preferring that her teeth should not be seen.

Mind broadens swiftly in war.

The horizon undoubtedly broadens.

While their vision was vastly broadened by this contact, the danger and horror of being completely engulfed in the great heathen world bound the faithful more closely together, and in time made Judaism the solid, unbreakable rock that has withstood the assaults and the disintegrating forces of the ages.

From the beginning he struck with quiet certainty the vein that was his by nature in poetry; and this has broadened almost continually, yielding richer results, which have been worked out with an increasing refinement of skill.

Cancut fattened, and visibly broadened.

14 adverbs to describe how to  broadened  - Adverbs for  broadened